本研究选取台湾地区的台中、彰化、台南、屏东等监狱共计 30 位男性受刑人作为研究对象,他们所犯罪行都属于强制性交与猥亵罪,而受害人均为与受刑人有血缘关系之亲生女儿。本文运用定性分析方法并结合文献与访问调查法收集了《台湾治安事件统...更多>>
运用心理动力学理论处理一例女大学生因无法表达攻击性而产生的焦虑情绪。来访者因为不停地想周围人的不好之处而影响考研复习,感到十分焦虑,状态持续 2 个月余。咨询师从防御机制、镜像阶段、真我和假我等角度来理解来访者的核心症状,通过充...更多>>
This paper revisits the word order type of Mandarin with reference to the fifteen pairs of grammatical elements co...更多>>
This paper investigates the grammaticalization of English and Chinese attributive possession including its path, m...更多>>
Awareness of gender equality has been rising constantly in social arenas as people come to recognize the different...更多>>