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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


A review of the effects of self-construal and social exclusion on aggressive behavior

中国心理学前沿 / 2021,3(10):1206-1214 / 2021-11-02 look571 look374
  • 作者: 张津铭¹²      熊红星²     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 社会排斥;自我建构;攻击行为
  • Ostracism; Self-construal; Aggressive behavior
  • 摘要: 社会排斥是指由某一社会团体或他人所排斥或拒绝,个体归属需求和关系需要受到阻碍的现象和过程。社会排斥使个体的四种基本心理需要严重受损,产生更多不良情绪并出现攻击性反应,对社会的和谐稳定造成负面影响。针对社会排斥领域的跨文化研究表明,在西方国家中个体主义倾向明显的被试在受到社会后会出现比东方国家中集体主义倾向的被试更多的反社会行为以及回避行为倾向。集体主义和个体主义文化在个体人格特征层面的反映即为个体的互依自我建构和独立自我建构,自我建构作为个体的特质因素会对社会排斥后的消极反应产生影响,独立型自我建构者注重个体的独特性、自主性,通过个人的能力来界定自我;互依型自我建构者注重与周围环境以及与社会的关联性,通过与他人的关系远近、亲疏来界定自我。随着全球经济文化的交流日益频繁,个体的自我建构呈现多样化的态势,且人际之间、群际之间的社会排斥、人际拒绝现象日益突出,本文旨在总结国内外有关不同自我建构个体受社会排斥后的攻击行为及其差异研究,丰富社会排斥、自我建构与攻击行为领域的研究成果。
  • Social exclusion refers to the phenomenon and process of being rejected or ignored by a certain social group or others, and the needs of individual belonging and relationships are hindered. Social exclusion damages the basic psychological needs of individuals, produces more negative emotions and presents aggressive reactions, and has a negative impact on the harmony and stability of the society. Cross-cultural research in the field of social exclusion shows that individualistic subjects tend to exhibit more anti-social behaviors and avoidance behaviors after being socially excluded; there was no significant difference in the aggressive behavior of collectivist subjects under different conditions. The reflection of collectivism and individualism culture at the level of individual personality characteristics is the interdependent self-construal and independent self-construal of the individual. Self-construal as an individual characteristic factor will affect the negative reaction after social exclusion. The individuals who has independent self-construal pay more attention to the uniqueness and autonomy of the individual and defines the self through personal ability; The individuals who has interdependent self-construal focuses on the relationship with the surrounding environment and others, and defines the self through the interpersonal relationship with others. With the increasing frequency of global economic and cultural exchanges, the self-construal of individuals presents a diversified trend, and the phenomenon of social exclusion and rejection between interpersonal and inter-groups has become increasingly prominent. It is necessary to explore the behavioral differences and intervention mechanisms of different selfconstructed individuals after social exclusion in the context of Chinese culture.The purpose of this paper is to summarize domestic and foreign studies on the aggressive behavior of different self-constructed individuals after social exclusion and their differences, and to enrich the research results in the field of social exclusion, self-construal and aggressive behavior.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0310137
  • 引用: 张津铭,熊红星.自我建构和社会排斥对攻击行为的影响[J].中国心理学前沿,2021,3(10):1206-1214.