

Fictive Motion in English: An Elicitation Experiment


作者: Diego Caroca*, Huili Wang and Hanning Guo / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):79−99 / 2018-08-26 look506 look1833

After Talmy’s (1983) seminal work, fictive motion sentences have received much attention in cognitive- and psychol...更多>>

English and Chinese Attributive Possession: Grammaticalization and Typology


作者: Dan Du and Chunxiang Wu / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):39−61 / 2018-08-26 look496 look477

This paper investigates the grammaticalization of English and Chinese attributive possession including its path, m...更多>>

VO-OV Mixed Word Order in Mandarin Chinese and Its Effects


作者: Lixin Jin² and Xiujin Yu¹ / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):1−38 / 2018-08-26 look495 look2079

This paper revisits the word order type of Mandarin with reference to the fifteen pairs of grammatical elements co...更多>>

Cognitive and corpus investigations of Construction Grammar


作者: Yu Sun and Jincheng Ni / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):101−107 / 2018-08-26 look456 look467

Nominal compound acquisition


作者: Xiaoxiao Zhang and Hongwei Zhan / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):109−112 / 2018-08-26 look440 look442