This study uses meta-cognitive intervention techniques to provide individual counseling for a blind high school student with mathematical learning obstacles. Firstly, the meta-cognitive intervention technique is used to help the student understand the psychological mechanism behind the mathematical learning, which is the establishment of a subconscious automatic response to the mathematical learning context with negative emotions at its core. This is acquired later in life, easy to establish and easy to eliminate. Secondly, the emotional organizer technique is used to help the student build positive emotional experiences and the positive character qualities needed to overcome difficulties. Then through relaxation suggestion learning, the student’s brain is fed with pre-designed positive and operational knowledge of how to think, act, and evaluate when facing the mathematical learning. With the help of relaxation training, a new conditional emotional response with positive emotions at its core is established and repeatedly practiced to become a subconscious automatic response. This enables the student to face the learning context with a desire to learn, the ability to act, and the ability to let go, thereby overcoming the learning obstacle. Finally the focus returns to the subject knowledge itself, and in collaboration with the subject teacher, a detailed remedial plan is made to help the student catch up on subject and ultimately overcome the mathematical learning obstacle to enter their ideal university.