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Theory and Practice of Psychological Counseling

ISSN Print: 2664-1828
ISSN Online: 2664-1836


A Case Study of the Return Journey of Adolescents with School Attendance Problems

心理咨询理论与实践 / 2024,6(10):676-687 / 2024-10-24 look182 look24
  • 作者: 郭昊珅¹      ²      姚淑谦¹      ²      阮琳燕¹      ²      何丽¹      ²     
  • 单位:
    1. 北京联合大学师范学院,北京;
    2. 北京联合大学儿童及青少年学习与心理发展研究所,北京
  • 关键词: 学校出勤问题;复学历程;个案研究
  • School attendance problems; Return journey; Case study
  • 摘要: 近年来,青少年心理健康议题日益凸显,其中青少年拒绝上学现象已从边缘走向公众视野,成为一个亟待关注的家庭困扰、教育挑战及社会难题。对学校出勤困难青少年而言,重返校园并稳定复学并非易事,在此过程中更是充满艰辛与挑战。本研究从亲历者视角切入,选取4位曾经经历出勤困难后来又成功复学的个案,采用质性研究中的个案研究法,收集资料采用半结构式深度访谈,分析资料采用类属分析和情境分析相结合的方式,深入了解研究对象从学校出勤困难走向稳定复学的历程,分析研究对象成功复学并趋于稳定的影响因素。研究结果显示,通过回溯学校出勤困难青少年的复学历程,可将其分为拒学发端期、拒学持续期、拒学应对期、动荡复学期和稳定复学期。通过回溯复学历程,识别出促进学校出勤困难青少年成功复学的关键因素,从而为当前面临类似困境的青少年提供宝贵的启示和借鉴。
  • In recent years, the issue of adolescent mental health has become increasingly prominent. Among them, the phenomenon of adolescents refusal to go to school has moved from the margins to the public eye, becoming a family problem, educational challenge and social problem that needs urgent attention. For adolescents with school attendance problems, returning to school stably is not an easy task, and the process is full of hardships and challenges. This study takes the perspective of eyewitnesses and selects four cases who have experienced attendance difficulties and then successfully returned to school. The case study method in qualitative research is adopted. Semi-structured in-depth interviews are used to collect data. The data are analyzed by combining category analysis and context analysis. In order to deeply understand the process of the research subjects from school attendance difficulties to stable return to school, the influencing factors of the research subjects’ successful return to school and stabilization are analyzed. The results show that by tracing back the return to school process of adolescents with school attendance difficulties, it can be divided into the beginning period of refusal to school, the persistent period of refusal to school, the coping period of refusal to school, the turbulent return to school period and the stable return to school period. By tracing back the return to school process, the key factors that promote the successful return to school of adolescents with school attendance difficulties are identified, which provides valuable inspiration and reference for adolescents currently facing similar difficulties.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/tppc.0610081
  • 引用: 郭昊珅,姚淑谦,阮琳燕,等.学校出勤困难青少年复学历程的个案研究[J].心理咨询理论与实践,2024,6(10):676-687.