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Theory and Practice of Psychological Counseling

ISSN Print: 2664-1828
ISSN Online: 2664-1836


A Survey on the Degree and Reasons of Adolescents’ Study-weariness

心理咨询理论与实践 / 2023,5(5):351-363 / 2023-05-26 look1728 look616
  • 作者: 黄佳雨      陈香莲      何赛      牟惊雷      梁冠琼      秦一鸣      潘柳      朱林溪      向九如      徐凯文     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 厌学;厌学程度量表;厌学原因量表
  • Study-weariness; The degree of study-weariness scale; The reasons of study-weariness scale
  • 摘要: 目的:中国青少年厌学问题越来越严重,为了能更全面的了解青少年厌学情况、更加针对性地开展青少年厌学问题的预防与干预,我们结合文献研究和对多位一线教师以及对处理青少年厌学问题有丰富经验的心理咨询师的访谈,编制了青少年厌学程度量表与青少年厌学原因量表,用来调查青少年厌学问题现状。 方法:以高中生为对象,学生按照自愿原则完成问卷,进行青少年厌学程度量表、 青少年厌学原因量表和青少年学习倦怠量表的施测。结果:本研究编制的两个量表具有良好的信度与效度。厌学程度量表各维度内部一致性系数在0.71~0.92之间;各维度相关系数在0.47~0.69之间,与总分的相关系数在0.78 ~0.92之间,厌学程度量表与学习倦怠量表总分的相关为0.71(p<0.01)。厌学原因量表各维度内部一致性系数在0.73~0.91之间;各维度相关系数在0.53~ 0.79之间,与总分的相关系数在0.78~0.90之间,厌学原因量表与学习倦怠量表总 分的相关为0.723(p<0.01)。63.6%的学生有中等厌学程度,10.7%的学生有高厌学程度。高中学生的厌学情况在年级、性别、学习成绩等方面存在差异。 厌学程度与厌学原因各维度的相关分别是:与自身压力相关系数0.728,与父母压力相关系数0.488,与学校压力相关系数0.760,与环境压力相关系数0.597。 结论:(1)青少年厌学程度量表、青少年厌学原因量表在高中生样本中具有较好的信效度;(2)女生与学习成绩较差的学生有更高的厌学程度,与厌学程度相关性最强的厌学原因是来自学校与自身的因素。
  • Objective: The problem of study-weariness among Chinese adolescents is becoming more and more serious. In order to have a more comprehensive understanding of adolescents’ study-weariness and to carry out more targeted prevention and intervention of adolescents’ study-weariness, we developed the Degree of Study-Weariness Scale and the Reasons of StudyWeariness Scale to investigate the current situation of adolescents’ study weariness by combining literature research and interviews with several front-line teachers and counselors who have rich experience in dealing with adolescents’ study-weariness. Methods: High school students completed the questionnaire on a voluntary basis. The Degree of Study-Weariness Scale, the Reasons of Study-Weariness Scale, and the Adolescent Student Burnout Inventory were administered. Results: The two scales developed in this study had good reliability and validity. The internal consistency coefficients of the dimensions of the Degree of Study-Weariness Scale ranged from 0.71 to 0.92; the correlation coefficients of the dimensions ranged from 0.47 to 0.69, and the correlation coefficients with the total scores ranged from 0.78 to 0.92, and the correlation between the Degree of Study-Weariness Scale and the Adolescent Student Burnout Inventory was 0.71 (p<0.01). The internal consistency coefficients of the dimensions of the Reasons of Study-Weariness Scale ranged from 0.73 to 0.91; the correlation coefficients of the dimensions ranged from 0.53 to 0.79, and the correlation coefficients with the total scores ranged from 0.78 to 0.90, and the correlation between the Reasons of Study-Weariness Scale and the Adolescent Student Burnout Inventory was 0.723 (p<0.01). 63.6% of the students had a moderate level of study-weariness and 10.7% had a high level of study-weariness. There were differences in high school students’ study-weariness in terms of grade, gender, and academic performance. The correlations between the degree of study-weariness and the dimensions of reasons for study-weariness: with self-stress is 0.728, with parental stress is 0.488, with school stress is 0.760, and with environmental stress is 0.597. Conclusion: (1) The Degree of Study-Weariness Scale and the Reasons of Study-Weariness Scale had good reliability in the sample of high school students; (2) female students and students with lower academic performance had higher levels of study-weariness. The factors that were most correlated with the level of studyweariness were factors from school and self.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/tppc.0505033
  • 引用: 黄佳雨,陈香莲,何赛,等.青少年厌学程度及原因的调查[J].心理咨询理论与实践,2023,5(5):351-363.