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Theory and Practice of Psychological Counseling

ISSN Print: 2664-1828
ISSN Online: 2664-1836


Review on Resistance in Group Counseling

心理咨询理论与实践 / 2023,5(3):123-138 / 2023-04-06 look367 look535
  • 作者: 杜长昊      田明冉      马珂悦      王晓刚     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 团体辅导;阻抗;综述
  • Group counseling; Resistance; Review
  • 摘要: 团体辅导是一种预防心理困扰和促进人格发展的有效的教育活动,自 20世纪 80年代在高校兴起后,已在治疗、教育、职业训练等众多领域得到广泛应用。然而, 团体辅导作为一种能够提供逼真社交环境的心理干预手段,产生阻抗是必然的。 来访者预感自我受到威胁时会表现出阻抗行为,阻抗预示着领导者触及到问题的核心或者症结所在,本文从团体进程和成员互动的层面总结了以下几种阻抗表现形式:沉默、对配与亚团体、权利争夺、成员不规律出席与流失、替罪羊、攻击、合理化、讨论偏题、幽默、提供建议与拯救。团体动力的观点认为,当团体活动进展到过于接近基本冲突时,成员会表现出退出讨论、付诸行动或其他阻止活动继续深入的行为;也有学者认为团体辅导与治疗中的阻抗与个人咨询与治疗中的阻抗在本质上是相同的,并参考弗洛伊德对个体咨询中阻抗的分类来区分和解释团体中的抵抗;而自体心理学的观点则认为自体是团体自体的一部分。在团体治疗中,如果有冲突事件干扰团体进程,成员会因团体自体受损而感到焦虑而表现出阻抗。目前已有较多研究对团体中的阻抗进行界定与分类,但关于团体中的阻抗成因的理论解释尚不完备,团体阻抗水平与团体目标达成程度的关系有待实证验证。因此未来有必要形成针对团体辅导进程中阻抗模型;并进一步探究不同模型中的不同工作阶段与阻抗水平一致性变化的动态模式。
  • Group counseling is an effective educational activity for preventing psychological distress and promoting personality development, and since its rise in colleges and universities in the 1980s, it has been widely used in numerous fields such as therapy, education, and vocational training. However, group counseling, as a psychological intervention that provides a real social environment, is bound to produce resistance. This paper summarizes the following forms of impedance in terms of group process and member interaction: silence, pairing and subgrouping, power struggles, irregular attendance and attrition, scapegoating, aggression, rationalization, off-topic discussion, humor, and offering advice and rescue. The group dynamics perspective argues that when group activities progress too close to the underlying conflict, members will exhibit behaviors that withdraw from the discussion, put into action, or otherwise prevent the activity from continuing further; some scholars argue that impedance in group counseling and therapy is essentially the same as impedance in individual counseling and therapy, and refer to Freud's classification of impedance in individual counseling to distinguish and explain resistance in groups; and autopoietic The psychological perspective considers autopoiesis as a part of group autopoiesis. In group therapy, if a conflict event interferes with the group process, members will show impedance because they feel anxious due to the impairment of the group autopoiesis. There are many studies that define and classify impedance in groups, but the theoretical explanation of the causes of impedance in groups is not yet complete, and the relationship between the level of group impedance and the degree of group goal achievement needs to be verified empirically. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a model of impedance in the group counseling process in the future; and to further explore the dynamic patterns of consistency between different work stages and impedance levels in different models.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/tppc.0503013
  • 引用: 杜长昊,田明冉,马珂悦.团体辅导中阻抗现象综述[J].心理咨询理论与实践,2023,5(3):123-138. 