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Theory and Practice of Psychological Counseling

ISSN Print: 2664-1828
ISSN Online: 2664-1836


Research Progress of the Real Relationship Between Counseling and Treatment

心理咨询理论与实践 / 2022,4(1):27-38 / 2022-01-21 look561 look849
  • 作者: 程子璇      项锦晶      刘博文      那馨文     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 治疗关系;真实关系;影响因素;干预方法
  • Counseling and therapeutic relationship; Real relationship; Influencing factors; Intervention methods
  • 摘要: 咨询与治疗关系的重要作用在多年的研究中已经被证实,而真实关系作为咨询与治疗关系中的重要组成要素, 是咨询与治疗关系的基础,对治疗结果同样有重要的影响。本文以 Gelso 和 Carter 的咨询与治疗关系模型为 基础,以真实关系为焦点,梳理了近年来的研究,从咨询与治疗关系及其主要成分、真实关系与工作联盟和 移情—反移情结构的关系、影响真实关系的因素、如何加强真实关系这几个角度进行综述,并总结分析了现 有研究的不足,对该领域未来的研究提供了一些方向。
  • It is generally believed that the relationship between counselors / therapists and clients is the key factor affecting the success or failure of psychological counseling and psychotherapy. Many researchers believe that it goes beyond the general relationship between counseling and treatment to look at more specific elements. To study these factors, Gelso and his collaborators proposed a tripartite model of therapeutic relationship. The elements of the model include: work alliance, real relationship, transference-countertransference configuration. Among them, work alliance and transference-countertransference configuration allocation have always been the focus of attention, and researchers have done a lot of research on it. However, for real relationships, there have been articles about real relationships since the beginning of “talking cure”. But it is not until recent years that empirical research begins to focus on this field. Based on the theoretical model of the relationship between counseling and treatment proposed by Gelso and Carter, the concept, influencing factors and intervention methods of the real relationship in the field of counseling and treatment are described in detail, and the possible research directions in the future are put forward. This paper first introduces the concept of the three elements in the relationship between psychological counseling and treatment and its relationship with the therapeutic outcome, and then emphasis on the real relationship. The real relationship is the personal relationship between client and therapist marked by the extent to which each is genuine with the other and perceives/experiences the other in ways that are realistic. Its strength depends on the extent to which it exists and how positive or favorable it is. The real relationship is the basis of the relationship between psychological counseling and treatment, which has an important impact on the therapeutic effect. Secondly, this paper reviews the research in recent years, from the interaction between the main components of the relationship between counseling and treatment, to the possible factors such as attachment type, self-exposure, treatment time and so on, and analyzes many factors that affect the real relationship. At the same time, from the perspective of psychological counselors and therapists, this study puts forward some methods to strengthen real relationships, such as cultivating empathy, managing countertransference, moderate self-exposure, maintaining consistency and stability, and so on. it seems to provide scientific guidance for psychological counseling and treatment. Finally, the study analyzes the limitations of the current research, such as most studies use a single orientation, horizontal research, there may be errors in research methods, lack of localization research and other problems. For example, future research can be carried out from the following aspects: first, to test the similarities and differences of the real relationship between psychological counseling and treatment with different theoretical orientations. Second, strengthen long-term and longitudinal research to explore the real relationship between the two. Third, we can try to use external raters to test the real relationship and increase the objectivity of the research. The results show that it is necessary to strengthen the localization of realistic relations in China and test whether there is cross-cultural consistency in realistic relations.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/tppc.0401005
  • 引用: 程子璇,项锦晶,刘博文,等.心理咨询与治疗中真实关系的研究进展[J].心理咨询理论与实践,2022,4(1):27-38. 