ἀis article talks about a practice case done by students in the training of Move to Emptiness Technique (MET). ἀe case separately dealt with the negative physical and mental feelings of fast heart pounding and “heart blockage” caused by a family relationship, taking one hour. ἀe Ḁrst target symptom to be treated is the feelings of fast heart pounding; when it came to cleaning and packing step, the visitor reported that the symbol had become smaller and did not need to be taken out. It was quite comfortable to her. ἀe target symptom of the second treatment was the mental feeling of “heart blockage”. During the step of cleaning and removal of the symbol, the visitor experienced extreme inner pain and wept for several minutes on the spot. The consultant gave her time to express her feelings and continued MET aᴀer her emotions subsided. Aᴀer this process, her state has changed a lot and she can put down many responsibilities that did not belong to her. In this paper, the authors reᰀect and discuss the consultant’s state of grasping the idea of MET and keeping close to the visitor as well as keeping alert and relaxing, the importance of the visitor’s trust and the consultant’s conḀdence, and the value of the popularization of MET.