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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


Representation of Implicit Sequence Learning: Evidence from Eye Movements

中国心理学前沿 / 2020,2(4):352-363 / 2020-04-23 look2504 look4333
  • 作者: 刘梦娜      卢张龙*     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 内隐学习;表征;反眼跳;眼动
  • Implicit Learning; Representation; Antisaccade; Eye Movement
  • 摘要: 内隐序列学习的表征方式是内隐学习领域的基本问题之一。目前关于 内隐序列学习的表征方式主要观点有知觉学习和反应学习。本研究使用眼动记 录法,眼跳反应时作为因变量。以 36 名大学生为被试(19.92±1.59 岁),将被 试随机分配到朝向眼跳组或反向眼跳组。当目标刺激出现时,朝向眼跳组被试 的眼睛跳向目标刺激所在位置,而反向眼跳组被试的眼睛跳向目标刺激所在位 置的镜像位置。结果发现:(1)1-11 组段的眼跳反应时,组段主效应显著,随着组段增加,眼跳反应时显著减小;(2)1-11 组段的眼跳反应时,组别主效应 显著。朝向眼跳组的眼跳反应时显著低于反向眼跳组的;(3)朝向眼跳组和反 向眼跳组的内隐序列学习量差异不显著。朝向眼跳组的内隐序列学习成绩,反 向眼跳组的内隐序列学习成绩。结果表明内隐序列学习主要建立在反应学习基 础上。
  • Implicit sequence learning paradigm is one of the most frequently applied research paradigms in the field of implicit learning research. The representation of implicit sequence learning is a basic problem in the field of implicit learning. There are two main theoretical views on the representation of implicit sequence learning: stimulus-stimulus (S-S) learning, response-response (R-R) learning. Previous studies mostly used traditional key reaction to investigate implicit sequence learning, which have problems such as different subjects have different response speed and subjects maybe left-hander or right-hander. In order to overcome the shortcoming of traditional key reaction method, the eye movement recording method was used in this study, and the saccadic response time as the dependent variable.T aking 36 college students as subjects (19.92 ± 1.59 years), the subjects were randomly assigned to the prosaccade group or the antisaccade group. The prosaccade means when the target stimulus appears, subject’s eye jumps to the location of the target stimulus; the antisaccade means when the target stimulus appears, subject’s eye jumps to the mirror location of the location of the target stimulus. F test was performed on the saccadic reaction time and implicit sequence learning volume of the 1-11 groups.The results showed that: (1) the main effect of blocks segment was significant. As the block increased, the saccade reaction time decreased significantly; (2) the main effect of the groups was significant. The saccadic reaction time in the prosaccade group was significantly lower than that in the antisaccade group; (3) there was no significant difference in the implicit sequence learning scores between the prosaccade group and the antisaccade group. The results showed that implicit sequence learning is mainly based on reactive learning.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0204024
  • 引用: 刘梦娜,卢张龙.内隐序列学习表征方式的眼动研究[J].中国心理学前沿,2020,2(4):352-363.