This paper explores the psychological mechanisms and practical paths for Strengthen the Chinese National Community Consciousness from the perspective of Critical Psychology. Firstly, the paper analyzes the social psychological basis of the Chinese National Community Consciousness, including social identity theory, contact hypothesis, and cultural integration theory, emphasizing the important role of cognition, emotion, and behavior in the formation of the Chinese National Community Consciousness. Secondly, through the theoretical framework of Critical Psychology, the paper discusses the impact of ideological criticism, social constructivism, and social inequality on the Chinese National Community Consciousness, revealing the key role of social and cultural background and power structure in shaping individual psychology and behavior. Finally, the paper proposes practical paths from the perspective of Critical Psychology, including educational paths, cultural communication paths, and social interaction and policy guarantee paths, aiming to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for Strengthen the Chinese National Community Consciousness. Under the dual context of globalization and modernization, this study not only has important academic significance but also has important practical significance for the development of ethnic work in the new era.