Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a scale to measure the overweight/obesity-related quality of life and test its reliability and validity. Methods: The first draft of the scale was prepared using a literature review, a theoretical analysis, a team discussion, and expert consultation. A questionnaire survey was administered to 664 participants. The items and structure of the scale were improved using an item analysis and exploratory factor analysis. The goodness of fit between the scale and theoretical construct was verified using a confirmatory factor analysis. The scale reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s α and split-half reliability. Results: The scale for measuring the overweight/ obesity-related quality of life was comprised of 14 items in three dimensions: self, interpersonal communication and social. The cumulative contribution of the three common factors identified in the exploratory factor analysis to the variance was 73.356%, the factor loadings of the 14 items were in the range of 0.633–0.825 (a factor loading >0.4 is generally considered acceptable) , and no multiple loadings were found. The confirmatory factor analysis showed a good overall fit of the model. All of the Cronbach’s α and Guttman split-half coefficients of the individual dimensions were greater than 0.7. Conclusion: The scale for measuring the overweight/obesity-related quality of life had good reliability and validity and can be used to assess the overweight/obesity-related quality of life.