Purpose: To explore the effects of demographic variables such as gender and grade, family environment, campus bullying, and love experience on college students’ sense of gain in interpersonal communication. Method: First, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 1,376 college students from Hunan University of Science and Technology via the basic information scale and the sense of gain scale of college students in interpersonal communication. Results: (1) Male college students have a higher sense of gain in interpersonal communication; (2) A significantly positive correlation is observed between family economic status and college students’ sense of gain in interpersonal communication, but it does not mean that the richer the family economic status, the higher the sense of gain in interpersonal communication that students harvest. Students from wealthy families have a lower sense of gain in interpersonal communication than students from families with good economic status; (3) The eldest child has a higher sense of gain in interpersonal communication than the second child; (4) The interpersonal communication of students who have suffered verbal bullying on campus have lower sense of gain; (5) Students who have had love experience have a higher sense of gain in interpersonal communication, yet not meaning that the more the love experiences, the higher the sense of gain in interpersonal communication. It has been found in this study that this difference only exists among students who have had one love experience and those who have never been in love. Conclusion: College students’ own efforts are not enough to improve various psychological problems they face in their interpersonal relationships. It is necessary to gather the four forces—society, school, family, and students—and integrate both physical and psychological aspects, both material and spiritual education, and both learning and love sharing to create healthy and harmonious social, school, family, and psychological environments for college students to grow into talents.