The phenomenon of utility cascading in the era of self media has characteristics such astimeliness, information ambiguity, and wide impact range. There are many phenomena of utility cascadingin real life, but people often overlook these phenomena, and previous research has often used theoriesfrom public opinion, sociology, or economics to explain these phenomena. This article aims to analyze thephenomenon of utility cascade in the era of self-media from a psychological perspective, exploring howself-media significantly expands the influence scope of social events. When governments and experts failto provide accurate and timely information and guidance at critical junctures of social events, the publicbecomes deeply concerned about life safety and the protection of legitimate rights and interests, furthertriggering utility cascade. This necessitates efforts from four fronts: the government, experts, the generalpublic, and self-media, to mitigate the negative impact of utility cascade and steer related social eventstowards a positive direction.