Objective: To understand the current situation of psychological resilience and life satisfactionamong ethnic minority college students, and to explore the relationship between ethnic identity,psychological resilience and life satisfaction, in order to provide a reference for promoting thepsychological health development of ethnic minority college students. Methods: Tools such as theAdolescent Mental Toughness Scale, the Life Satisfaction Scale, and the Ethnic Identity Questionnaire forEthnic Minorities were used to analyze the relationship between mental toughness, life satisfaction, andethnic identity and the dimensions among ethnic minority college students, and to establish structuralequation modeling to test the mediating role of ethnic identity between mental toughness and lifesatisfaction. Results: Mental toughness has an impact on life satisfaction; the relationship between mentaltoughness and life satisfaction can be mediated through ethnic identity. Conclusion: This study suggeststhat psychological resilience can indirectly influence life satisfaction through ethnic identity, providingtheoretical support for college students’ well-being enhancement efforts.