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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


A Study of the Effectiveness of Short Focus Groups in Intervening on Middle School Students’ Anorexia in Daofu County

中国心理学前沿 / 2024,6(2):236-245 / 2024-03-07 look341 look412
  • 作者: 罗艾琼¹      程科¹      杨月明¹      仁真米朵²      次仁志玛²     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 康巴地区;初中生;厌学;短焦团体
  • Kamba region; Junior high school students; Anorexia; Short-focus groups
  • 摘要: 目的:对道孚县初中生厌学现状调查,并基于文化背景,进行厌学干预研究。方法:采用厌学问卷、自我效能感问卷对甘孜州—藏族自治区道孚县两所中学582名初中生进行厌学现状调查;筛选22名初一厌学学生,采用短焦团体辅导进行随机对照组前后测干预研究。结果:(1)厌学总分与各维度得分分别为:厌学总分(2.40±0.75),厌学认知(2.25±0.83),厌学情绪(2.69±0.94),厌学行为(2.42±0.79);(2)两所中学厌学总人数为129,厌学检出率为22.2%,其中留守初中生厌学人数70,厌学检出率为32.6%;(3)留守与非留守初中生在厌学总分、厌学情绪、厌学行为、厌学行为均存在显著差异(p<0.001);(4)在性别上,初中女生厌学情绪显著高于女生男生(p<0.05),厌学其他维度在性别上无统计学差别;(5)在年级上,初一、初二、初三的学生在厌学总分、厌学情绪上均存在显著性差异(p<0.05),初一学生厌学总分显著高于初二学生,初一、初三学生厌学情绪显著高于初二学生;(6)在学习成绩水平上,成绩处于下游学生厌学认知得分显著高于上游、中游学生(p<0.05);(7)干预后,实验组与控制组厌学总分有显著性差异(p<0.001),实验组前后测厌学总分差异显著(p<0.001),实验组厌学总分显著降低;(8)干预后,实验组厌学行为、厌学情绪、厌学认知得分都显著降低(p<0.05),自我效能感得分提升。结论:康巴地区初中生厌学问题较为突出,其中留守学生厌学检出率较高;短焦团体可以提升学生自我效能感,有效改善初中生厌学心理。
  • Purpose: To investigate the current status of anorexia among junior high school students inDaofu County and to conduct an anorexia intervention study based on cultural background. METHODS:The anorexia questionnaire and self-efficacy questionnaire were used to investigate the anorexia statusof 582 junior high school students in two middle schools in Daofu County, Ganzi-Tibetan AutonomousRegion; 22 junior high school anorexics were screened, and short-focus group counselling was used toconduct a randomised control group pre- and post-test intervention study. Results: (1) The total scoreof anorexia and the scores of each dimension were: total score of anorexia (2.40±0.75), cognition ofanorexia (2.25±0.83), emotion of anorexia (2.69±0.94), and behaviour of anorexia (2.42±0.79); (2) The total number of students with anorexia in the two middle schools was 129, and the detection rate ofanorexia was 22.2%, of which the number of students left in middle schools with anorexia was 70, andthe detection rate of anorexia was 32.6%. detection rate was 32.6%; (3) there was a significant differencebetween left-behind and non-left-behind junior high school students in terms of total anorexia score,anorexia sentiment, anorexia behaviour, and anorexia behaviour (p < 0.001); (4) in terms of gender,junior high school girls’ anorexia sentiment was significantly higher than that of girls and boys (p <0.05), and there was no statistically significant difference between other dimensions of anorexia in termsof gender; (5) in terms of grade level, the junior high school first-years, junior high school secondyears,and junior high school third-years were significantly higher in terms of (p < 0.05), the total scoreof anorexia was significantly higher than that of junior high school students, and the anorexia of juniorhigh school and junior high school students was significantly higher than that of junior high schoolstudents; (6) at the level of academic performance, the anorexia cognitive scores of the students in thedownstream of the performance were significantly higher than that of the students in the upper reachesand the middle reaches of the performance (p < 0.05); (7) after the intervention, there was a statisticallysignificant difference (p < 0.05) in the total anorexia score of the experimental group and the controlgroup. significant difference between the experimental group and the control group (p < 0.001), and thedifference between the total anorexia scores of the experimental group and the pre- and post-tests wassignificant (p < 0.001), and the total anorexia score of the experimental group was significantly reduced;(8) after the intervention, the scores of anorexic behaviours, anorexic emotions, and anorexic cognitionof the experimental group were all significantly reduced (p < 0.05), and the scores of self-efficacy wereimproved. Conclusion: the problem of anorexia is more prominent among junior high school students inKamba region, among which the detection rate of anorexia among left-behind students is higher; shortfocusgroups can enhance students’ self-efficacy and effectively improve the anorexia psychology of juniorhigh school students.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0602026
  • 引用: 罗艾琼,程科,杨月明,等.短焦团体对道孚县初中生厌学干预的实效研究[J].中国心理学前沿,2024,6(2):236-245.