Based on the theory and practice of Imagery Communication Psychology, this paper conductedthe first revision and measurement evaluation of the Family Imagery Projection Test, and explored theapplication of the test in the intervention of parenting style. Study 1 examined the reliability and validityof the test, and the results showed that the test had good item discrimination and construct validity, witha retest reliability of 0.67 at a one-month interval, a correlation coefficient between experience dimensionand adverse childhood experiences of -0.21 ~ -0.17, and a correlation coefficient of parental conceptdimension and self-concept of 0.14 ~ 0.21. Study 2 aimed to validate the correlation between familyimagery and parenting styles. Study 3 employed a repeated measures design, implementing a one-week,four-session group intervention focusing on family imagery with 29 participants. The results indicateda positive correlation between family imagery and parenting styles, suggesting that more positive familyimagery is associated with healthier parenting styles. The family imagery intervention effectively mitigatedthe negative impact of parenting styles on individuals and enhanced positive influences. This suggests thatthe Family Imagery Projection Test can be used to measure parenting styles. The implementation of shorttermintervention around family imagery can improve the negative impact of parenting styles to a certainextent, promote the physical and mental health of individuals, and contribute to individual growth.