To explore the relationship among connectedness to nature, aggressive behavior and themeaning of life in adults. A total sample of 440 adults were surveyed with connectedness to naturescale, Chinese college students’ version of Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire, Chinese meaning in lifequestionnaire. The meaning of life moderated the relationship between connectedness to nature andaggressive behavior in adults. There was a non-significant negative relation between connectedness tonature and aggressive behavior under the low meaning of life level. However, At the high level of themeaning of life, there was a significant negative relation between connectedness to nature and aggressivebehavior. In order to build a higher level of safe China, we should pay attention to the mental healtheducation of adult groups, and pay attention to improving the life meaning level of community residentswhen carrying out community services, so as to enhance the influence of natural connection on thisgroup, and further promote the construction of safe cities and maintain social stability.