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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


A Study on the Effect of Competency Training for Middle School Psychological Committee Members under Group Guidance Model

中国心理学前沿 / 2023,5(8):898-906 / 2023-08-30 look382 look560
  • 作者: 刘杨      方丹      马怡坤      陈秋燕     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 团体辅导;胜任力培训;心理委员;干预研究
  • Group counseling; Competency training; Psychological committee member; Intervention
  • 摘要: 近年来,大中小学学生心理危机事件频发,且呈现“能见度”走高、“低龄化”的发展趋势,然而诸多中小学校专兼职心理健康教师师资缺乏、配备不够,未能很好辐射全校学生心理健康教育工作,较难满足学生日益增长的心理健康服务需求。在此背景下,我国创造了极具中国特色的心理委员制度,目的是使大中小学心理健康教育的工作机制更加全面、高效。但目前,心理委员仍存在着身份认同度不高、专业知识不够、组织能力不足、工作效能感低下等困境。因此,本研究欲设计一套心理委员胜任力培训的团体辅导干预训练方案,并评估团体辅导对中学心理委员胜任力的干预效果,为完善中学心理健康教育工作以及心理委员的相关研究和干预提供一定的理论支持和指导。方法:将某中学初一至高三共24名心理委员平均随机分配为实验组和对照组,其中实验组12人,对照组12人,实验组接受每周两次团体辅导干预训练,对照组不接受任何处理,团体辅导干预训练开始前一周及结束后分别采用心理委员胜任力量表进行施测。结果:团体辅导干预训练前,实验组和对照组各指标间差异无统计学意义(p>0.05)。团体辅导干预训练后,实验组被试在心理委员胜任力量表各维度及总分上的提升水平均高于对照组,实验组和对照组在团队合作、工作态度、专业知识维度及总分上存在显著差异(p<0.05),实验组在自我认知、团体合作、性格特质、专业知识维度及总分上前后测数据间的差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。结论:团体辅导作为一种有效的心理干预形式,可以有效提高中学班级心理委员的胜任力水平。
  • In recent years, psychological crises of students in primary and secondary schools haveoccurred frequently, and the development trend of “higher visibility” and “younger age” has beenpresented. However, many full-time and part-time mental health teachers in primary and secondaryschools are lack of teachers and inadequate staffing, which has not been able to well radiate the mentalhealth education of students in the whole school, and it is difficult to meet the growing demand for mentalhealth services of students. In THIS context, our country has created THE psychological committeemember system with Chinese characteristics, with the purpose of making the working mechanismof mental health education in universities, middle schools and primary schools more comprehensiveand efficient. However, at present, psychological committee members still have difficulties such as lowidentity, insufficient professional knowledge, insufficient organizational ability, and low sense of workefficacy. Therefore, this study intends to design a set of group counseling intervention training programfor psychological committee members’ competency training, and evaluate the intervention effect of groupcounseling on the competency of middle school psychological committee members, so as to providecertain theoretical support and guidance for improving the mental health education in middle schooland the related research and intervention of psychological committee members. Methods: A total of 24psychological committee members from each class of a middle school were randomly assigned to theexperimental group and the control group, including 12 in the experimental group and 12 in the controlgroup. The experimental group received group counseling intervention training twice a week, while thecontrol group received no treatment. Results: Before the group counseling intervention training, there wasno significant difference in the indicators between the experimental group and the control group (p>0.05).After group counseling intervention training, the improvement level of all dimensions and total score ofpsychological committee competency scale in the experimental group was higher than that in the controlgroup. There were significant differences in teamwork, work attitude, professional knowledge and totalscore between the experimental group and the control group (p<0.05). There were significant differencesin the dimensions of self-cognition, group cooperation, personality traits, professional knowledge andtotal scores in the experimental group (p<0.05). Conclusion: As an effective form of psychologicalintervention, group counseling can effectively improve the competency level of middle school classpsychological committee members.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0508104
  • 引用: 刘杨,方丹,马怡坤,等.团体辅导模式下中学心理委员胜任力培训的效果研究[J].中国心理学前沿,2023,5(8):898-906.