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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


A Qualitative Study on Psychological Stressors in Nursing Interns School of Nursing and Health

中国心理学前沿 / 2023,5(9):972-980 / 2023-10-09 look271 look345
  • 作者: 高萍¹²     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 护理实习生(护生);心理压力;质性研究;护理职业心理素养
  • Nursing intern (Nursing Student); Psychological stress; Qualitative research; Nursing professional psychological literacy
  • 摘要: 目的:了解护理实习生(护生)的心理压力来源及相关因素,分析产生的原因,为护理教学及临床带教提供相关依据。方法:采用半结构化深度访谈及问卷调研模式,针对上海2家三甲医院80名护理实习生的心理压力来源及相关因素进行深入研究。采用Colaizzi剖析资料分析法对所收集的访谈资料和问卷数据加以质性研究分析,归纳及概括。结论:护生在实习期心理压力主要来自超负荷的工作和职业的风险;自我价值方面的压力;护理学科发展及教育滞后等。以上各种压力,严重影响护理实习生的工作状态。不仅影响学习效率,也会对护生的临床实习造成影响,导致护生在实习操作中害怕动手,把握不了实习期的一些重要学习机会,对未来产生不自信。适度的应激对实习期护生情绪和动机有积极的影响,但是一旦职业压力应激源超过其承受能力,就将损坏其身心健康。讨论:如何及时识别及有效化解护理实习生心理压力?如何将护理职业心理素养融入现有护理教培体系提升护理实习生的综合心理素养?如何帮助护理实习生正面职业偏见,树立职业信心?结果:建立360度实习护生心理支持系统定期维护实习生的心理健康,当出现难以调节的心理压力时,可以及时寻求专业的心理帮助,来尽快消除和化解应激源。开展护理实习生心理素养相关培训提升职业心理素质;定期组织护理职业心理健康宣讲:树立榜样帮助建立职业信心,明确职业目标和规划,帮助养成忠于职守和高度的责任心的职业道德引导实习护生正确面对职业偏见和心理压力。
  • Objective: To understand the sources of psychological stress and related factors of nursinginterns (nursing students), analyze the causes, and provide relevant basis for nursing teaching andclinical teaching. Methods: Semi-structured in-depth interviews and questionnaire research were used toconduct in-depth research on the sources of psychological stress and related factors of 80 nursing internsin 2 third-class hospitals in Shanghai. Colaizzi profiling data analysis method was used to qualitativelyanalyze, summarize and summarize the collected interview data and questionnaire data. Conclusion:The psychological stress of nursing students during the internship period mainly comes from the risk ofoverloaded work and occupation. pressure on self-worth; The development of nursing disciplines andthe lag in education, etc. The above pressures seriously affect the working status of nursing interns. It notonly affects the learning efficiency, but also affects the clinical internship of nursing students, resulting innursing students being afraid to do things in the internship operation, unable to grasp some importantlearning opportunities during the internship period, and not confident in the future. Moderate stress has apositive effect on the mood and motivation of nursing students during internships, but once occupationalstressors exceed their capacity, they will damage their physical and mental health. Discussion: How toidentify and effectively resolve the psychological stress of nursing interns in a timely manner? How tointegrate the psychological literacy of nursing profession into the existing nursing education and trainingsystem and improve the comprehensive psychological literacy of nursing interns? How can nursinginterns be helped to face positive professional bias and build career confidence? Results: A 360-degreeinternship nursing psychological support system was established to regularly maintain the mental healthof nursing students, and when there was psychological pressure that was difficult to adjust, professionalpsychological help could be sought in time to eliminate and resolve stressors as soon as possible. Carryout training on psychological literacy of nursing interns to improve professional psychological quality;Regularly organize nursing occupational mental health publicity: set an example to help build professionalconfidence, clarify career goals and plans, help develop professional ethics of dedication and high sense ofresponsibility, and guide intern nursing students to correctly face professional prejudice and psychologicalpressure.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0509113
  • 引用: 高萍.针对护理实习生心理压力源的质性研究调查[J].中国心理学前沿,2023,5(9):972-980.