Mate choice copying (MCC) is a mate choice strategy in which individuals are influenced bythe evaluations of other individuals of the same sex (role models) on the target object during the matechoice process, so as to make similar mate choice decisions. In this study, 60 college students were used assubjects to explore the effects of role model evaluation type (positive evaluation vs. negative evaluation)and mate choice strategy (long-term strategy vs. short-term strategy) on mate choice copying through a2*2*2 mixed experiment, and to analyze the gender differences. The results found that: (1) Both malesand females produced mate-choice replications; (2) In the negative evaluation condition, the willingnessto engage in long-term interactions was significantly lower than the willingness to engage in short-terminteractions; (3) The willingness of males to engage in long-term interactions was significantly lowerthan the willingness of females to engage in long-term interactions in the negative evaluation condition.It is concluded that mate choice copying exists in both males and females, but the specific mate choicestrategies used by the two sexes are different; both sexes are more cautious than short-term relationshipswhen considering long-term relationships, and males are more sensitive to negative evaluationsthan females. This paper provides a new perspective for us to study how to establish and maintain aharmonious marital family, and in the future, we can further examine the relationship between matechoicecopying strategies and marital attitudes to make up for the lack of studies related to mate-choicecopying in China.