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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


The Influence of Subliminal Social Comparison on Female College Students’ Self-evaluation

中国心理学前沿 / 2023,5(7):758-768 / 2023-07-18 look384 look325
  • 作者: 陈佳敏      程科      张海滨      马珂悦      姜轲蓝     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 阈下社会比较;自我评价;瘦理想;身体外观焦虑
  • Subliminal social comparison; Self-evaluation; Thin-ideal; Body appearance anxiety
  • 摘要: 目的:结合以往阈下社会比较在女性身体意向领域的研究,考察阈下社会比较对个体外显自我评价的影响。方法:问卷法与实验法相结合,招募某民族大学的80名女大学生为被试,大一至大四各20人,采用身体不满意度(BD)分量表进行实验前测量,进行两轮阈下情绪启动任务(SAP),自变量为身体不满意度(高vs低)、测试时间(第一次vs第二次),因变量为身体外表状态和特质焦虑量表(PASTAS)得分。结果:不同年级女大学生的身体不满意度值存在显著差异,大一被试的身体不满意度值显著高于大二;两组PASTAS得分的各分组变量的差异不显著,但呈现随年龄增加而降低的趋势;身体不满意度与第一次PASTAS得分存在显著正相关,两次PASTAS得分存在显著负相关;汉族和少数民族群体在有“瘦理想”模特图片出现时的按键反应有显著差异,汉族做出喜欢反应的比例显著更高。结论:女大学生的身体不满意程度越高,越容易受到阈下社会比较的影响,从而导致外显的负面自我评价;女大学生的身体外观焦虑程度会随着年龄的增大而逐步减小;社会比较是自动化的,接触阈下上行社会比较的女大学生对自己的评价更加负面,产生对比效应;阈下社会比较对少数民族女大学生的影响较汉族女大学生的影响更小。
  • Objective: To investigate the influence of subliminal social comparison on explicit selfevaluationbased on previous studies in the field of female body intention. How: The questionnairemethod was combined with the experimental method, and 80 female college students from a universityfor Minorities were recruited as subjects, including 20 from freshmen to seniors. The subscale of bodydissatisfaction (BD) was used for pre-experiment measurement, and two rounds of subthresholdemotional initiation task (SAP) were conducted. The independent variables were body dissatisfaction (highvs low) and test time (first vs second). The dependent variables were physical appearance state and TraitAnxiety Scale (PASTAS) scores. Results: There were significant differences in the body dissatisfaction offemale college students in different grades. The body dissatisfaction of freshman was significantly higherthan that of sophomore. There was no significant difference in the subgroup variables of PASTAS scoresbetween the two groups, but it showed a decreasing trend with increasing age. There was a significantpositive correlation between body dissatisfaction and the scores of the first PASTAS and a significantnegative correlation between the scores of the second PASTAS. There is a significant difference betweenHan and minority groups in the reaction of buttons when there are pictures of “thin ideal” models, andthe proportion of Han people who like to respond is significantly higher. Conclusion: The higher thedegree of body dissatisfaction, the more susceptible female college students are to subliminal socialcomparison, which leads to explicit negative self-evaluation; The degree of body appearance anxiety offemale college students will gradually decrease with the increase of age. Social comparison is automatic,female college students exposed to subthreshold upward social comparison have more negative evaluationof themselves, resulting in contrast effect; The influence of subthreshold social comparison on minorityfemale college students is less than that of Han female college students.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0507088
  • 引用: 陈佳敏,程科,张海滨,等.阈下社会比较对女大学生自我评价的影响[J].中国心理学前沿,2023,5(7):758-768.