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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


Investigation and Analysis on the Physical and Mental Reaction of Undergraduates in the Early Stage of “COVID-19” Epidemic in Guangxi

中国心理学前沿 / 2022,4(2):145-152 / 2022-02-25 look449 look460
  • 作者: 符国帅     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: COVID-19;高校学生;身心反应
  • COVID-19; College students; Physical and mental reactions
  • 摘要: 目的:了解广西高校本科生在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情时的身心反应状况,为学校及政府部门制定相关策略和措施提供依据。方法: 采用自编“新冠肺炎”情况调查表、突发公共卫生事件下心理反应问卷,通过网络邀请对广西高校22531 名本科生进行匿名问卷调查。结果:被测学生中身心反应阳性率:强迫11.9%、焦虑9.8%、抑郁7.7%、敌对4.1%、躯体化2.3%。性别比较发现,男生躯体化因子阳性率(2.8%)与敌对因子阳性率(4.7%)高于女生躯体化因子阳性率(2.2%)与敌对因子阳性率(4.0%)(χ2=8.123,P=0.004; χ2=5.463,P=0.019);女生在焦虑因子阳性率(10.3%)高于男生焦虑因子阳性率(8.2%)(χ2=21.219,P=0.001)。专业比较,非医学在焦虑因子阳性率(10.1%)和强迫阳性率(12.5%)高于医学生焦虑因子阳性率(7.9%)和强迫阳性率(8.5%)(χ2=14.704,P=0.001;χ2=39.440,P=0.001);不同年级比较,高年级抑郁因子阳性率比低年级学生高(χ2=30.788,P=0.001);有家人隔离的学生躯体化和抑郁因子阳性率更高(p<0.05);自己活动受限的学生躯体化、焦虑、强迫因子阳性率更高(p<0.05)民族组在各因子比较中未见差异(p>0.05)。结论:在COVID-19 疫情期间,不同类型的学生以及不同状态学生身心反应存在一定的差异。因此,高校应当应密切关注大学生身心反应,有必要对重点学生实施针对性心理干预。
  • Objective: to understand novel coronavirus pneumonia patients’ physical and mental reactions in Guangxi, and to provide evidence for schools and government departments to formulate relevant strategies and measures. Methods: a novel coronavirus pneumonia questionnaire and a psychological response questionnaire were used to conduct an anonymous questionnaire survey on 22531 undergraduates in Guangxi. Results: the positive rates of physical and mental reactions in the students were: compulsion 11.9%, anxiety 9.8%, depression 7.7%, hostility 4.1%, somatization 2.3%. The results showed that the positive rate of somatization factor (2.8%) and hostility factor (4.7%) in boys was higher than that in girls (2.2%) and hostility factor (4.0%) (χ2=8.123, P=0.004; χ2=5.463, P=0.019); the positive rate of anxiety factor in girls (10.3%) was higher than that in boys (8.2%) (χ2=21.219, P=0.001). The results showed that the positive rate of anxiety factor (10.1%) and compulsive factor (12.5%) in non-medical students was higher than that in medical students (7.9%) and compulsive factor (8.5%) (χ2=14.704, P=0.001; χ2=39.440, P=0.001); compared with different grades, the positive rate of depression factor in higher grades was higher than that in lower grades (χ2=30.788, P=0.001); the positive rate of somatization and depression factors of the students with family isolation was higher (p<0.05); the positive rate of somatization, anxiety and compulsion factors of the students in their own isolation was higher (p<0.05). There was no difference in the factor comparison of the ethnic groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: during the epidemic period of covid-19, there are some differences in physical and mental reactions among different types of students and students in different states. Therefore, colleges and universities should pay close attention to the physical and mental reactions of college students, and it is necessary to implement targeted psychological intervention for key students.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0402019
  • 引用: 符国帅.广西高校本科生“COVID-19”疫情早期身心反应状况调查分析[J].中国心理学前沿,2022,4(2):145-152.