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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


Emotional Face Attentional Bias and Time Characteristics in Inhibition of Return

中国心理学前沿 / 2021,3(10):1173-1186 / 2021-11-02 look505 look467
  • 作者: 寇天宇     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 返回抑制;情绪面孔;注意偏向;时间特点
  • Inhibition of return; Emotional face; Attentional bias; Time characteristics
  • 摘要: 好马不吃回头草?可能是因为草不够具有“吸引力”。为了探讨不同时间条件下情绪信息注意偏向机制的差异,实验 1 招募 67 名大学生完成经典线索—靶子任务,考察返回抑制过程中负性情绪面孔的注意偏向及时间特点,结果发现对负性情绪的注意偏向会破坏返回抑制的稳定性,并随时间变化表现出“回避—警觉”的加工机制。实验 2 招募 62 名大学生完成改进后的线索—靶子任务,进一步考察在 SOA 为 750ms 前后的返回抑制过程中负性情绪注意偏向及时间特点,结果重复了实验 1 的发现,并且在长时 SOA 条件下也观测到个体对负性情绪的注意回避。由此可见,情绪信息对返回抑制的影响,是人类视觉系统不同加工阶段的灵活表现,体现出个体适应环境变化的灵活性,这些发现进一步支持和完善了“威胁假说”。
  • In the face of complicated social environment in real life, human beings need to make complex visual processing processes to the outside world, but limited visual processing systems require us to make trade-offs in the face of complex and ever-changing environmental information. Ability to make deeper processing and judgment of necessary information. Inhibition of Return refers to the process in which an individual attaches a searched label to a position that has been noticed during the attention process, thereby slowing down the response to the stimulus that subsequently appears at the position. Because emotional information has the ability to attract and capture attention, the priority processing mechanism of emotional information will destroy the stability of return inhibition and cause individual attention bias. In order to explore the differences in the attentional bias mechanism of emotional information under different time conditions, Experiment 1 used the clue-target paradigm to investigate the attentional bias and temporal characteristics of the negative emotional face during the return inhibition process, The within-subjects design method was used, namely 3 (face: happy, neutral, fear) × 2 (cue type: valid prompt, invalid prompt) × 5 (SOA: 350ms, 550ms, 750ms, 950ms, 1150ms) , and found that the emotional information would weaken the return inhibition effect. And in the short-term SOA (below 750ms) conditions, attention avoidance occurs, while in the long-term SOA (more than 950ms) conditions, attention is noticed. The results show that normal individuals have a bias toward negative stimuli, and they show a “avoidance-alertness” processing mechanism with time. Experiment 2 uses the improved clue-target paradigm to further investigate the negative emotional face attention bias and time characteristics in the return inhibition process before and after SOA is 750ms. The within-subjects design method was used, namely3 (face: happy, neutral, fear) × 2 (cue type: valid prompt, invalid prompt) × 3 (SOA: 850ms, 1250ms, 1650ms). The results repeat the findings of Experiment 1, and more importantly, in the long-term The attention avoidance of negative emotions is also observed under SOA conditions. This result reflects the influence of emotions on attention bias, which is reflected in different processing stages of human visual system. The results of three experiments show that the attention bias of negative information is the adaptation mechanism of the body, showing the flexibility of the body to adapt to environmental changes. These findings further enrich and develop the “threat hypothesis.”
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0310133
  • 引用: 寇天宇.返回抑制过程中负性情绪注意偏向及时间特点[J].中国心理学前沿,2021,3(10):1173-1186.