Macau; Inclusive Education; Ordinary School Teachers; Special Education Instructional Adjustment
异情形。研究一共收取了 612 位普通学校教师的数据,以“单一样本 T 检验”“独立样本 T 检验”“单因子变异数分析”“克 . 瓦二氏单因子变异数等级分析”进行数据处理。研究显示:(1)教师在整体特教教学调
The purpose of this research is to explore the current status of the special education
Instructional Adjustment of ordinary school teachers in Macau, and to understand the differences in
the special education Instructional Adjustment of these teachers under different backgrounds. A total
of 612 ordinary school teachers’ data was collected for the study, and the data were collected using “One
sample t test”, “Independent sample t test”, “One-way anova”, and “Kruskal-wallis H”. Research shows that:
(1) Teachers are at a relatively good level in the overall special education Instructional Adjustment, their
“Environmental adjustment”, “Curriculum adjustment”, “Teaching adjustment”, “Evaluation adjustment”
are also good level; (2) “Teaching years”, “Special education teaching years”, “Professional background”,
“Main job title”, “Teaching stage”, “Inclusive education training”, “Short-term training”, “Getting along
with the handicapped or understanding experience before teaching”, “Support by inclusive education
staff ”, “Communication time with workmates”, “School scale” are presented significant difference in the
special education Instructional Adjustment (p<0.05). At last, we make recommendations based on the
results of this study as a reference for teachers, schools and government.