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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


Relative Automatic Processing Level of Valence Dimension and Motivation Dimension in Facial Expression Recognition— An ERP Research

中国心理学前沿 / 2019,1(6):397-415 / 2019-08-26 look6191 look9188
  • 作者: 侠牧     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 表情识别;动机维度;效价维度;词 - 面孔 Stroop 范式;事件相关 电位
  • Facial expression recognition; Motivation dimension; Valence dimension; Word-face Stroop; ERP
  • 摘要: 本研究采用事件相关电位技术和词-面孔Stroop范式探索表情识别中效价维度和动机维度的相对自动加工水平。实验1要求被试对面孔的动机维度进行识别,同时忽视面孔正中的效价词语信息。结果发现在词语信息和面孔效价信息冲突条件下,与一致条件相比,反应时更慢,正确率更低,同时顶区SP波幅更正。实验2要求被试对面孔的效价维度进行识别,同时忽视面孔正中的动机词语信息。结果发现在词语信息和面孔动机信息冲突条件下,与一致条件相比,反应时更慢,但没有发现其他的冲突效应。实验结果表明,在表情识别中,效价维度相对于动机维度,有更高的自动加工水平,且前者对后者的干扰效应发生于加工的晚期阶段。
  • Two experiments use event-relative potential (ERP) and a modified word-face Stroop paradigm to explore the automatic processing level question mentioned above. Experiment 1 have 15 participants and chose 21 happy face pictures and 21 fear face pictures from CFPAS as the stimuli. And two Chinese words“Positive”and“Negative”were insert into the middle of each face to build two experiment conditions: the consistent condition (CC) means a happy (fear) face with the word of Positive (Negative) word; And the inconsistent condition (IC) means a happy (fear) face with the word of Negative (Positive). Participants were asked to recognize the Motivation dimension from the expression and try to ignore the valence word on the face. The outcome shows in the IC, the AC was lower, the RT was slower, and the amplitude of SP was more positive relative to the CC. Experiment 2 have 15 participants and use the same stimulus as Experiment 1. And two Chinese words“Approach”and“Avoid”were insert into the middle of each face to build two experiment conditions: the consistent condition (CC) means a happy (fear) face with the word of Approach (Avoid); And the inconsistent condition (IC) means a happy (fear) face with the word of Avoid (Approach) word. Participants were asked to recognize the Valence dimension from the expression and try to ignore the motivation word on the face. The outcome shows in the IC, the RT was slower relative to the CC, not other significant effects were found in these experiments. These two experiments showed the Valence dimension have a relatively higher automatic processing level than Motivation dimension in the processing of a facial expression. Moreover, the former`s interference effect to the latter happen in the later period of the process.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0106026
  • 引用: 侠牧.表情识别中效价维度和动机维度的相对自动加工水平——一项 ERP 研究[J]. 中国心理学前沿,2019,1(6):397-415.