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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


Effect of Cognitive Reappraisal on Sadness in Different Regulatory Timing

中国心理学前沿 / 2020,2(11): 1171-1180 / 2020-11-16 look701 look714
  • 作者: 闫春平*      丁倩倩      申鲁军     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 认知重评;悲伤情绪;引入时机;情绪管理目标
  • Cognitive reappraisal; Sadness; Regulatory timing; Regulatory goal
  • 摘要: 悲伤是一种典型的消极情绪,重评时机是悲伤情绪管理效果的一个重要影响因素,具体悲伤情绪激活的时间进程中哪个时段引入重评增强或降低的效果最佳尚不明确。本研究探讨认知重评对悲伤情绪的调节,以及引入时机和调节目标在其中的影响。对 35 名在校大学生和研究生进行不同引入时机和不同调节目标的认知重评对悲伤情绪调节的实验研究。引入时机包括提前、在线 500 ms 和在线 2000 ms 三种;调节目标包括重评增强、重评降低和保持三种。结果发现:提前引入、在线 500 ms 和在线 2000 ms 引入认知重评都能够有效增强或降低悲伤程度主观感受和唤醒评级,具体表现为悲伤增强条件下被试的悲伤和唤醒程度主观评级最高,悲伤保持条件下次之,悲伤降低条件下最低;个体在进行保持悲伤情绪时,在线 500 ms 的悲伤自评等级比提前和在线 2000 ms 引入时机显著降低;比提前和在线 2000 ms,在线 500 ms 的悲伤程度增强效应值(悲伤增强—悲伤保持)显著更大。结论:提前、在线 500 ms 和在线 2000 ms 引入重评均能有效增强或降低悲伤情绪,在情绪激活高水平的情况(在线 500 ms)下引入认知重评增强重评的效果相对更有效。
  • Sadness is a typical negative emotion, and the timing of reappraisal is an important factor influencing the management effect of sadness. However, the best timing of introducing reappraisal to enhance or reduce sadness remains. To explore the effect of cognitive reappraisal on sadness and the influence of regulatory timing and goal. Thirty-five college students and graduate students participated in the experiment, and they were instructed to regulate (increase, maintain and decrease) sadness with cognitive reappraisal, which was introduced respectively at 500 ms before (anticipatory), 500 ms after (online 500 ms) and 2,000 ms after (online 2,000 ms) picture onset. The results found: The anticipatory, online 500 ms and online 2,000 ms reappraisal effectively increased or decreased subjective feelings and arousal ratings in sadness. Specifically, the subjective ratings and arousal of sadness were the highest under increase reappraisal condition, secondly under maintenance reappraisal condition, and the lowest under the decrease reappraisal condition. When individuals were maintaining sadness, the subjective ratings of sadness under the online 500 ms regulation condition were significantly lower than that under anticipatory and online 2000 ms regulation condition. Then anticipatory and online 2,000 ms reappraisals, the subjective-feelings difference between sadness increase and sadness maintains under the online 500ms reappraisal condition was significantly bigger. Conclusion: All (the anticipatory, online 500 ms and online 2,000 ms reappraisal) can effectively increase or decrease sadness, and online 500 ms reappraisal (introduced at the high-activation stage of sadness) is relatively more effective to enhance sadness.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0211087
  • 引用: 闫春平,丁倩倩,申鲁军.不同时机引入的认知重评对悲伤情绪的调节[J].中国心理学前沿,2020,2(11): 1171-1180. 