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Psychology of China

ISSN Print: 2664-1798
ISSN Online: 2664-1801


Status and Relationship of College Students’Filial Piety Belief and Meaning in Life

中国心理学前沿 / 2020,2(8):732-745 / 2020-08-20 look718 look914
  • 作者: 李秀雅      师莹莹      张凡      徐志微      章余昆      方燕红*     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 大学生;互惠性孝道信念;权威性孝道信念;生命意义感
  • College students; Reciprocal filial piety; Authoritarian filial piety; Meaning in life
  • 摘要: 目的:探讨当代大学生孝道信念和生命意义感现状,分析双元孝道信 念对大学生生命意义感的影响。方法:本研究采用双元孝道问卷和中文人生意 义问卷对湖北及江西四所高校的 772 名大学生进行了实测。结果:互惠性孝道 信念在大学生中占比最大(85.6%);大学生的总体生命意义感处于中等水平, 生命意义追寻显著高于生命意义体验;男生权威性孝道信念得分显著高于女生, 而女生互惠性孝道信念得分显著高于男生,互惠性孝道信念在年级的分布上也 存在显著差异;男生在生命意义体验上的得分显著高于女生,而女生在生命意 义追寻上的得分显著高于男生,生命意义体验在年级和母亲受教育程度上的分布也存在显著差异;互惠性孝道信念显著正向预测大学生生命意义感及其各个 维度,而权威性孝道信念显著负向预测生命意义追寻。结论:互惠性孝道是当 代大学生孝道信念的主体;大学生的生命意义感有待提升,互惠性孝道信念教 育是提升生命意义感的重要途径。
  • Objective: To understand the current situation of filial piety belief and meaning in life in college students, and to explore the effect of filial piety belief on meaning in life. Methods: 772 college students in Jiangxi and Hubei completed the Dual Filial Piety Scale (DFPS) and Chinese Meaning In Life Questionnaire (C-MLQ). Results: In college students, reciprocal filial piety accounted for the highest (85.6%). The overall meaning in life of college students was in the middle level, the score of search for meaning in life was significantly higher than presence of meaning in life. The authoritarian filial piety score of male students were significantly higher than female students, the reciprocal filial piety score of female students were significantly higher than male students, there were significant differences in the score of reciprocal filial piety among different grades; The C-MLQ-P score of male students were significantly higher than female students, the C-MLQ-S score of female students were significantly higher than male students, there were significant differences in the score of C-MLQ-P among different grades and mother’s education; Regression analysis showed that reciprocal filial piety could positively predict the search for and presence of meaning in life, and authoritarian filial piety could negatively predict the search for meaning in life. Conclusion: Reciprocal filial piety was the subject of filial piety in contemporary college students. The meaning in life of college students needs to be improved. Reciprocal filial piety is an important way to improve the meaning of life.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pc.0208052
  • 引用: 李秀雅,师莹莹,张凡,等.大学生双元孝道信念与生命意义感:现状及关系[J].中国心理学前沿,2020,2(8):732-745. 