Job involvement is a cognitive state of perfect and positive emotions related to work, and is an important indicator affecting individual performance;
turnover intention as the opposite of job involvement is the most effectivepredictor of turnover behavior; organization wants to achieve organizational
performance to improve, it is necessary to increase the individual’s work
commitment and reduce the turnover intention. Job crafting as a kind of
employee’s spontaneous behavior is beneficial to the individual to obtain the
meaning of work, reconstruct the employee’s identity, and then improve the
individual’s job involvement and reduce the turnover intention. Previous studies
have mainly explored the impact of job crafting on positive outcomes, and few
studies have discussed the relationship between job remodeling and negative
outcomes. Therefore, from the perspective of job crafting, this paper discusses
the impact of job crafting on positive outcome (job involvement) and negative
result(turnover intention)and the mediating role of calling in it; and using SPSS
for data processing analysis; the research hypothesis is tested and management
recommendations are presented based on the research findings. The conclusions
of the research obtained in this paper are as follows: (1) Job crafting has a
positive impact on job involvement. (2) Job crafting has a negative impact
on turnover intentions. (3) Job crafting has a positive impact on the calling.
(4) Calling mediation between job crafting and job involvement,turnover