Biochemistry is the main core curriculum of life science-related disciplines such as biology,
medicine, and agriculture, which is one of the most dynamic and rapidly developing disciplines. As a
curial part of the construction of biological disciplines in the context of “double first-class” initiative
in colleges and universities, the comprehensive experimental courses based on biochemistry are an
important platform for cultivating innovative talents in biological practice. “Establishing moral integrity
in cultivation” is the fundamental task of higher education. The integration of “Curriculum ideology
and politics” into professional curriculum explanations makes it an important position for ideological
and political education. According to the characteristics of the comprehensive biochemistry experiment
course, fully explore the rich ideological and political education elements contained in the links, introduce
experimental teaching with typical cases, and carry out teaching practice exploration that emphasizes
both professional innovation ability and ideological and political education. Efforts to cultivate highquality
innovative “First-Class” professionals with solid biological knowledge and a sense of national