Comparison of Mental and Physical Parameters of 9 Residents of Changling Community Health Centre in Luohu, Shenzhen before and after Three-month Health Management
Through the mental and physical health management of 9 residents in
Changling community with mindfulness meditation as the core for three months,
the SCL-90 scale and blood and urine routine and other biochemical physical
examinations were compared before and after, and it was found that the short-term regular mental and physical health management in residents could play a role
in the early intervention of health risk factors. Methods: (1) In the WeChat group
of Changling village residents, the information of “three months of resident health
management” was released one month in advance, and plan to recruite 30 people;
(2) Every Saturday morning from 9:00 am to 10:30 am for eight consecutive weeks,
mental and physical health training was performed in the activity room of Changling
Joint-stock Company; (3) They were divided into four groups, one general practitioner
was responsible for each group, and every Monday morning, nutrition and health
guidance was given to residents in turn; (4) Compared Physical examination before
and after: blood pressure, glycosylated hemoglobin, blood and urine routine, CRP,
electrocardiogram and SCL-90 scale examination. Results: A total of more than 20
residents and 4 medical staff were recruited for the study. Four of the medical staff
did not participate in the monitoring, 10 of the 19 residents were lost, and finally 9
residents had complete data collection. Nine residents were compared for parameters
such as blood and urine routine, CRP and SCL-90 scale. Shows: (1) The project was
designed at the beginning for the retirees because of they had more time, but the
results was that majority of people aged 30 to 40 years were very enthusiastic. It shows
that in this young city of Shenzhen, young people pay more attention to health and
need early intervention and early prevention; (2) The blood pressure, blood glucose,
blood and urine routine and ECG of 9 residents were basically normal, and there was
no significant difference in statistical analysis before and after; (3) SCL-90 scale before
and after control, using paired sample t-test and non-parametric test, showed statistical
significance. Discussion: (1) 43.37% dropout rate, indicating that it is very important
to carry out public health and health management among residents, and the factors
of active participation of residents; (2) Health care workers participated in the study
throughout, indicating that the general practitioner team attached high importance
to the study; (3) Eight weeks of mindfulness meditation combined with Baduanjin,
standing pile, running and nutritional dietary guidance, combined with mental and
physical health training and guidance, in the prevention of community diseases have a
certain effect.