Circumference rat (π); International Mathematics Festival (International Pi day); The natural base of logarithm (e); New constant (μ) (Chen Wenwei’s constants); New formula (Chen Wenwei’s formula)
The research on circumference ratio π in the past millennium mainly
focuses on three aspects: (1) finding the true value of π; (2) telling what type of
number π is; (3) expressing π by infinite expansion. This paper studies π from
another perspective and finds the relationship between it and other mathematical
Mathematician Euler, in 1743, discovered the famous formula betweenπand number
e (the natural base of logarithm), e iπ +1=0, which indicates their relationship with
imaginary numbers. In this paper, the authors find the real relationship between π
and e, though a new constants μ and Euler constantsγ. The real number relationship
can be expressed by a new formula.