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Study on China Physical Science

ISSN Print:2707-1936
ISSN Online:2707-1944


Identification, Intervention and Strategy of Healthy and Dangerous Living Behaviors of Adolescents in China

中国体育研究 / 2024,6(4):417-422 / 2024-11-15 look118 look305
  • 作者: 罗文富      李二辉      李杭远     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 青少年健康危险行为;多元回归分析;认知行为疗法;标准化干预方案;多部门合作
  • Youth health risk behaviors; Multiple regression analysis; Cognitive behavioral therapy; Standardized intervention program; Multi-sectoral collaboration
  • 摘要: 随着信息技术的快速发展和社会转型进程的加快,中国青少年健康危险生活行为问题受到社会各界的广泛关注,该问题关乎青少年的身心健康和社会的长远发展。本研究采用横断面调查法和案例分析法,对全国范围内多所学校青少年的健康危险行为进行全面评估,包括不良饮食习惯、过度使用电子产品、体育锻炼不足、心理压力等多个方面。在数据采集和处理过程中,运用多元回归分析和路径分析等统计方法,对影响青少年健康危险行为的关键因素进行挖掘,诸如家庭社会经济地位、父母管教方式、同伴关系、学校环境等,并探究各因素之间的相互作用。在干预措施研究方面,实证验证了认知行为疗法、社会支持网络构建、情绪调节训练、健康生活方式教育以及其他针对性心理社会干预的有效性。在干预策略的逻辑性方面,以社会生态理论和危险与保护性理论为基础,从家庭、学校、社区和社会等多个层面入手,构建系统性、针对性、综合性和动态性的干预体系。具体而言,本研究设计了一套标准化干预方案,并在多所学校开展为期一年的实践,对比实验前后的数据显示,干预组学生的健康危险行为有了显著的改变。研究结果为青少年健康危险生活行为的识别和干预提供了科学依据,同时,所提出的策略也为家庭、学校及政府相关部门制定预防和干预措施提供了实证支持。本研究强调了多部门合作的重要性,提出了一个集成的干预框架,旨在实现青少年长期健康发展的目标。
  • With the rapid development of information technology and the acceleration of social transformation, the problem of healthy and dangerous life behavior of Chinese teenagers has been widely concerned by all walks of society, which is related to the physical and mental health of teenagers and the long-term development of society. This study used a cross-sectional survey method and a case analysis method, including poor eating habits, excessive use of electronic products, insufficient physical exercise, and psychological stress. In the process of data collection and processing, statistical methods such as multiple regression analysis and path analysis were used to explore key factors affecting adolescent health risk behaviors, such as family socioeconomic status, parenting style, peer relationships, school environment, etc., and the interaction among various factors was explored. In terms of intervention research, we empirically validated the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy, social support network construction, emotional regulation training, healthy lifestyle education, and other targeted psychosocial interventions. In terms of the logic of intervention strategy, it is based on social ecological theory, comprehensive and protective theory, and forms a systematic, targeted, comprehensive and dynamic intervention system from the aspects of family, school, community and society. Specifically, this study designed a standardized intervention program and practiced in multiple schools for one year, and comparing the data before and after the experiment showed significant changes in the health risk behaviors of students in the intervention group. The results provide a scientific basis for the identification and intervention of healthy and risky life behaviors in adolescents, and the proposed strategies also provide empirical support for the development of prevention and intervention measures by families, schools and relevant government departments. This study highlights the importance of multisectoral collaboration by proposing an integrated intervention framework designed to achieve the goals of long-term healthy development of adolescents.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/scps.0604038
  • 引用: 罗文富,李二辉,李杭远.中国青少年健康危险生活行为的识别、干预与策略[J].中国体育研究,2024,6(4):417-422.