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Study on China Physical Science

ISSN Print:2707-1936
ISSN Online:2707-1944


Implement Moral Education and Cultivate Talents, and Jointly Create a New Pattern of School Sports Development —Current Situation and Improvement Strategies Reflected in the One Hour “Flight Inspection” of Campus Sports in Shenzhen in 2023

中国体育研究 / 2024,6(2):64-73 / 2024-06-25 look337 look333
  • 作者: 丁显锋     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 体育一小时;体质健康;学校体育工作
  • Sports for one hour; Physical health; School sports work
  • 摘要: 2020年,中共中央办公厅、国务院印发《关于全面加强和改进新时代学校体育工作的意见》强调:“要保障学生每天校内外各1个小时体育活动时间,帮助学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣、增强体质、健全人格。”并指出要健全教育督导评价体系,完善国家义务教育体育质量监测。今年4月,《体育与健康课程标准》(2022年版)颁布,提出要落实“教会、勤练、常赛”,注重“学、练、赛”一体化教学。一系列的政策纲领表明国家政府对学校体育工作的重视和决心,指明了新时期学校体育发展的新方向,以及未来学校体育发展的新格局。为落实和执行国家政策方针,发挥深圳先行示范作用,深圳市教育局自2017年就开启了“校园体育一小时飞行检查”工作,建设可操作、制度化的长效监督评估机制,利用“以评促建”的方式,促进学生全面发展。本研究对2023年“飞行检查”情况进行整理汇总,为之后学校体育工作的开展与发展提供建设性的借鉴参考意见。
  • In 2020, the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council issued the “Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Physical Education Work in the New Era”, emphasizing the need to ensure that students have one hour of physical activity time both inside and outside the school every day, help them enjoy fun in physical exercise, enhance their physical fitness, and improve their personality. It also pointed out the need to improve the education supervision and evaluation system, and improve the quality monitoring of national compulsory education physical education. In April of this year, the “Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards” (2022 edition) were issued, proposing to implement “teaching, diligent practice, and regular competition”, and focus on integrated teaching of “learning, practice, and competition”. A series of policy guidelines indicate the national government’s emphasis and determination on school sports work, pointing out new directions for the development of school sports in the new era and a new pattern for the future development of school sports. In order to implement and implement national policies and guidelines, and give full play to Shenzhen’s leading and exemplary role, the Shenzhen Education Bureau has been carrying out the “one hour flight inspection of campus sports” work since 2017, establishing an operable and institutionalized long-term supervision and evaluation mechanism, and using evaluation to promote comprehensive development of students. This study summarizes the situation of “flight inspections” in 2023, providing constructive reference for the development and development of school sports work in the future.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/scps.0602008
  • 引用: 丁显锋.落实立德树人,共创学校体育发展新格局——深圳市2023年校园体育一小时“飞行检查”反映的现状与改进策略[J].中国体育研究,2024,6(2):64-73.