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Study on China Physical Science

ISSN Print:2707-1936
ISSN Online:2707-1944

普通高校体育课后服务开展现状研究 ——以同济大学为例

A Study on the Present Situation of After-class Service of Physical Education in Universities —Take Tongji University as an example

中国体育研究 / 2023,5(4):- / 2023-12-06 look423 look455
  • 作者: 秦海权      孙天然      刘红      李瑞杰      陈颐清      贺云飞     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 体育课后服务;普通高校;体育锻炼;服务效果
  • After-class service of physical education; Ordinary colleges and universities; Physical exercise; service effect
  • 摘要: 针对普通高校学生群体的体育课后服务研究还较少有学者关注。采用问卷调查和访谈等方法,以同济大学开展的体育课后服务合理性、保障度、效果等方面现状,分析不同性别、不同类别学生对学校开展的体育课后服务评价。结果表明:(1)参与体育课后服务的学生每周参与1—2次,且多数安排在下午的时间段。(2)学生对学校开展体育课后服务的合理性总体评价较高且无性别差异,但本科生和研究生之间具有非常显著的差异。(3)学生对学校开展体育课后服务的保障度总体评价较高且无性别差异,也无学生类别差异。(4)学生对学校开展体育课后服务的参与效果总体评价较高且无性别差异,但显著具有本科生和研究生之间的类别差异。(5)学生对课外体育服务的运动项目需求比较广泛,具有较大的服务项目拓展空间。并针对结果提出相应建议。
  • Few scholars pay attention to the research on the after-school service of physical education for college students. By using the methods of questionnaire and interview, this paper analyzes the evaluation of after-class service of physical education carried out by students of different genders and categories based on the present situation of the rationality, security degree and effect of after-class service of physical education in Tongji University. The results show as follows: (1) students who participate in PE after-class service participate in 1-2 times a week, and most of them are arranged in the afternoon. (2) the overall evaluation of the rationality of the after-class service of physical education is high and there is no gender difference, but there is a very significant difference between undergraduates and graduate students. (3) the overall evaluation of the degree of security of the after-class service of physical education in the school is high, and there is no gender difference, and there is no difference in student categories. (4) the overall evaluation of the effect of students’ participation in the after-class service of physical education is high and there is no gender difference, but there is a significant category difference between undergraduates and postgraduates. (5) students have a wide demand for extracurricular sports services and have more room for service expansion. And the corresponding suggestions are put forward according to the results.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/scps.0504028
  • 引用: 秦海权,孙天然,刘红.普通高校体育课后服务开展现状研究——以同济大学为例[J].中国体育研究,2023,5(4):-.