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Study on China Physical Science

ISSN Print:2707-1936
ISSN Online:2707-1944


Effects of Different Physical Activity Levels on Chronic Diseases of Middle-aged Staff in Local Universities

中国体育研究 / 2020,2(1):1-11 / 2020-02-06 look3790 look6469
  • 作者: 蒙方元      杨中亚*      王继      杨胜碧      李成玉     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 地方本科高校;中年教师;体力活动;骨质疏松;心血管慢病
  • Local Undergraduate College; Middle-aged Teacher; Physical Activity; Osteoporosis; Cardiovascular chronic disease
  • 摘要: 目的:探讨不同体力活动水平对高校中年教师慢性病发生风险的影响, 为中年教师群体慢性病提供体力活动干预、改善生活质量提供实证参考。方法: 选取不同体力活动水平高校中老年教师 103 人,年龄范围在 45-59 岁之间,采 用国际体力活动问卷界定为高体力活动水平组(n=19),中体力活动水平组 (n=47),低体力活动水平组(n=37)。实验测试该群体骨质疏松、动脉硬化等常见心血管疾病指标,采用运用单因素方差分析、相关分析等探讨体力活动 对该群体慢性病风险的影响。结果:(1)不同体力活动水平组的中年教师骨量 不同,M 组骨量正常比例达 57.4%,H 组其次,为 52.6%,L 组骨量正常比例堪 忧,为 43.2%。H 组与 M 组骨密度 T 值均高于 L 组且有显著性差异(p<0.01), M 组显著高于 H 组(p<0.05)。(2)体力活动量与 T 值呈正相关性(r=0.649, p<0.01)。(3)不同体力活动水平组对血压无显著影响,M 组与 H 组 HDL 均 显著高于 L 组(p ≤ 0.01),M 组 LDL 显著低于 L 组(p ≤ 0.01),M 组与 H 组相比HDL\LDL未出现明显差异。结论:(1)低体力活动水平人群是骨质疏松、 心血管疾病等慢性病的易发人群。(2)中等体力活动水平在维持骨量正常、改 善心血管慢病指标方面是最优选择。高水平体力活动对中年人群的骨量、心血 管疾病有一定改善作用,但效果不如中等体力活动水平。
  • Objective: To explore the influence of different levels of physical activity on the risk of chronic diseases among middle-aged teachers in colleges and universities. Methods: A total of 103 middle-aged and elderly college teachers with different levels of physical activity, aged 45-59, were selected and defined as High Level Group (Group H, n=19), Middle Physical Activity Level Group( Group M, n=47) , Low Physical Activity Level Group (Group L, n=37) by using the international physical activity questionnaire. By using univariate analysis of variance and correlation analysis, the effect of physical activity on the risk of chronic diseases in this population was studied. Results: (1) The bone mass of middle-aged teachers in different physical activity levels was different. The normal proportion of bone mass in group M was 57.4% , followed by that in Group H, 52.6% . The normal proportion of bone mass in group L was 43.2% . The bone mineral density t of Group H and Group M was significantly higher than that of group L (p≤0.01) , and that of group M was significantly higher than that of Group H (p≤0.05) . (2) There was a positive correlation between physical activity and t value (r=0.649, p≤0.01) . (3) There was no significant differences in blood pressure between the groups with different physical activity levels. HDL in Group M and Group H was significantly higher than that in group L (p ≤0.01) . LDL in group M was significantly lower than that in group L (p ≤0.01) . There was no significant differences in HDL/ LDL between group M and group H. Conclusion: (1) People with low physical activity level are prone to chronic diseases such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. (2) Moderate physical activity level is the best choice to maintain normal bone mass and improve the indexes of cardiovascular chronic diseases. High level physical activity can improve bone mass and cardiovascular disease in middle-aged people, but the effect is not as good as middle level physical activity.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/scps.0201001
  • 引用: 蒙方元,杨中亚,王继,等.不同体力活动水平对地方本科高校中年教职工慢性病的影响[J].中国体育研究,2020,2(1):1-11.