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Study on China Physical Science

ISSN Print:2707-1936
ISSN Online:2707-1944


Correlation Between CO₂ Cooling Conditions and Ice Movement Speed in Ice Making Technology —Example of Women’s 3000 m

中国体育研究 / 2022,4(4):224-231 / 2023-01-10 look403 look504
  • 作者: 穆亮      李海霞      柯雁容      吴迪      贺鹤      赵明元     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 速度滑冰;冰质条件;运动成绩;北京冬季奥运会
  • Speed skating; Ice conditions; Sports performance; Beijing Winter Olympics
  • 摘要: 北京冬季奥林匹克运动会期间,冰上项目的主要场馆均采用CO₂跨临界直冷循环技术,不仅可以为减少炭排放,而且也可以有效保证冰道表面的平整度和稳定性。那么,CO₂跨临界制冷循环技术提高了冰面质量优质率是否有利于运动员的稳定发挥。对此问题,本研究2022年第24届北京冬季奥林匹克运动会速度滑冰女子3000米项目官方成绩为数据基础,采用冰场赛道冰质与运动员成绩相关性 分析的方法加以检验。本研究选取2022年第24届北京冬季奥林匹克运动会速度滑冰女子3000米比赛为例,分析速度滑冰女子3000米项目比赛场馆冰面质量指标数据与速度滑冰官方成绩进行相关性分析。通过此项研究结论可以为提高冰上项目运动员运动表现以及运动成绩提供技术基础。研究结果表明,速度滑冰女子3000米项目成绩和冰质,室内温度以及室内湿度之间,在0.01级别(双尾)上的相关性呈现显著相关,相关性系数为0.676,0.764以及0.743。此外, 室内温度与室内湿度也呈现高度相关,相关系数为0.707,因此可以通过相关指标来建立模型对比赛成绩进行预测。
  • During the Beijing Winter Olympics, the main venues of the ice events all adopted the CO₂ transcritical direct cooling cycle technology, which not only reduces carbon emissions, but also effectively ensures the smoothness and stability of the ice track surface. Then, whether CO₂ transcritical refrigeration cycle technology improves the high-quality rate of ice surface quality is conducive to the stable performance of athletes. In this regard, this study uses the official results of the women's 3000-meter speed skating event at the 24th Beijing Winter Olympic Games in 2022 as the data basis, and uses the method of correlation analysis between ice quality on the ice rink and athletes' performance to test. , This study takes the 24th Beijing Winter Olympic Games in 2022 as an example of the women's 3000-meter speed skating competition, and analyzes the correlation between the ice surface quality index data of the speed skating women's 3000-meter event venues and the official speed skating performance. The conclusions of this study can provide a technical basis for improving the sports performance and sports performance of athletes in ice sports. The results of the study showed that there was a significant correlation at the 0.01 level (two-tailed) between the speed skating women's 3000m event performance and ice quality, indoor temperature and indoor humidity, with correlation coefficients of 0.676, 0.764 and 0.743. In addition, the indoor temperature and indoor humidity are also highly correlated, and the correlation coefficient is 0.707, so a model can be established to predict the game performance through relevant indicators.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/scps.0404023
  • 引用: 穆亮,李海霞,柯雁容,等.CO跨临界直冷制冰技术的冰质条件与速度滑冰运动成绩相关性——以女子 3000 米为例[J].中国体育研究,2022,4(4):224-231. 