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Progress in Social Sciences

ISSN Print: 2664-6943
ISSN Online: 2664-6951


Research on the Nature and Revocation Right of “Gift of Children’s Property” Clause in Divorce Agreement

社会科学进展 / 2024,6(5):1331-1337 / 2024-11-15 look90 look90
  • 作者: 裴金金     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 离婚协议;赠与子女财产;特殊赠与;撤销权
  • Divorce agreement; Gift of children’s property; Special gift; Right of revocation
  • 摘要: 在离婚协议中约定“赠与子女财产”条款的情形越来越多,现实生活中,夫妻双方婚姻关系已经解除,而且“赠与子女财产”条款已经生效,存在父母主张撤销赠与不予履行的情况,也存在家庭之外的外部债权人主张撤销父母对子女财产赠与的情况。对于这些问题没有明确的法律规定,理论和司法实务对此均存在争议,观点不一。本文通过分析理论观点和司法裁判,主要从离婚协议中“赠与子女财产”条款的性质认定、父母离婚后对该条款是否享有撤销权、外部债权人对该条款是否享有撤销权这三个问题进行研究。经分析认为,离婚协议中约定的“赠与子女财产”条款的性质应该属于特殊赠与。赠与人a原则上不得任意撤销,例外情形为存在欺诈、胁迫、情势变更等特殊情形。外部债权人原则上不得任意撤销,但如果债务人的行为符合恶意逃债目的和无偿转让财产,债权人有权撤销赠与;反之,则无权撤销赠与。希望本文对此条款的性质和撤销权的观点,有助于更好地解决实践中因此产生的纠纷,进而保障父母、子女和外部债权人的利益平衡。
  • There are more and more provisions about “Gift of children’s property” in divorce agreement. In real life, the marital relationship between husband and wife has been dissolved, and the provision of “Gift of children’s property” has come into effect, there are cases where the parents claim to revoke the gift, and there are also cases where outside creditors outside the family claim to revoke the parent’s gift to the child. There are no clear legal provisions on these issues, which are controversial in theory and judicial practice. Through the analysis of theoretical points of view and judicial decisions, this paper mainly studies the nature of the “Gift of children’s property” clause in the divorce agreement, whether the parents have the right to revoke the clause after divorce, and whether the outside creditors have the right to revoke the clause. Through analysis, it is believed that the nature of the “Gift of children’s property” clause stipulated in the divorce agreement should be a special gift. In principle, the donor [1] may not be arbitrarily revoked, except in the case of fraud, coercion, change of circumstances and other special circumstances. In principle, the outside creditor can not withdraw the gift arbitrarily, but the creditor has the right to withdraw the gift if the debtor’s behavior is consistent with the purpose of malicious evasion and the gratuitous transfer of property; otherwise, the creditor has no right to withdraw the gift. It is hoped that the views of this article on the nature of this clause and the right of revocation will be helpful to solve the disputes in practice and protect the interests of parents, children and external creditors.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pss.0605144
  • 引用: 裴金金.离婚协议中“赠与子女财产”条款的性质与撤销权研究[J].社会科学进展,2024,6(5):1331-1337.