With the development of information technology, new media has alsobrought challenges to the development of ideological and political education forcollege students. At present, there are problems in the ideological and politicaleducation of college students, such as the lag in the development of educationalideas, the mismatch between content and basic tasks, and improper handlingof the relationship between parts and the whole. In this regard, ideologicaland political education workers for college students should continue to adhereto the directionality of the education content system, focus on improving thescientific nature of the education content system, and focus on highlightingthe timeliness of the education content system. Establishing new educationalconcepts guided by new media, enriching educational resources throughinformation sharing channels, expanding new educational spaces based on newmedia, and optimizing the social environment of new media to achieve resourceintegration. In terms of method innovation, schools should continue to play aleading role, strengthen self-education of college students, and work togetherthrough legislation and supervision. Education and self-education should becarried out simultaneously, with equal emphasis on campus construction andservices, and both quality and level should be improved together.