In the lawsuit, the parties get fair treatment, safeguard their legitimaterights and interests, generally depends on the final judgment, so the lawsuitis a process of arguing on the merits. And evidence is a solid weapon inlitigation, witness testimony is one of the important types. At present, therate of witnesses to testify in court is very low in China, and it is difficult forwitnesses to testify in court, which will directly lead to the difficulty of normaland effective proceedings, and even the truth is difficult to be discovered. But inCOVID - 19th stage of the epidemic, we see online litigation mode has playeda great excellent sexual function, in the same way, for the witness to testify inour country, online litigation also provide convenience for the witness to appearin court, and the judge in artificial intelligence, the judge for the witness’stestimony of witnesses credibility will also have a certain degree of help. Onlinelitigation can solve part of the impact of the witness to testify in court, and willbe a good opportunity to reverse our witness to testify in court.