Death Kit is a death novel created by Sontag during her journey between 1965 and 1967 after a long time of thinking and abandoned no less than one novel. It is also the only novel written by Sontag on Vietnam War. However, when this novel was published, it received huge negative criticism, which nearly deprived the author’s self-confidence as a novelist. This paper gets back to the question what the intention of this novel is and found it shares many common grounds with Foucault’s Eros of death. Based on reviews on process of the creation of this novel and close reading of it, this paper reveals Sontag takes advantage of “dream in dream” narrative structure and borrows and adapts the myth archetype of “death way” in Gnostic myth as to confirm her ideal blueprint of new novel which she proposed in Against Interpretation. This paper also explores the complex relationship between her concept of novel creation and self-consciousness, her mind-body problem and self-consciousness in her early period and her techniques of novel writing. This paper stands in between the author’s creation and the readers’ reception and tries to clear up misunderstandings of readers while reading this novel. It proposes to go back to the creation itself in order to understand the author’s intention.