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Progress in Social Sciences

ISSN Print: 2664-6943
ISSN Online: 2664-6951

爱情/ 色情生命写作:国际苏珊·桑塔格研究最新理论及其创作搬演

Love/Erotic Life Writing: Those Latest Theories of Interna-tional Susan Sontag Studies and Creational Performing

社会科学进展 / 2020,2(5):211-243 / 2020-09-14 look737 look864
  • 作者: 张艺     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 爱情/色情生命写作;国际苏珊·桑塔格研究;理论创作搬演
  • Love / erotic life writing; International Susan Sontag’s research; Theoretical creation and performing
  • 摘要: 美国纽约市立大学巴鲁克学院新闻学卡尔·罗利森教授因其对美国作家苏珊·桑塔格坚持不懈地研究著书而被中国外国文学研究学界熟知。卡尔·罗利森教授向笔者推荐了他的学术网站,并提供了两个重要的讯息:注意国际苏珊·桑塔格研究近期兴起的视觉艺术转向;注意“生命写作”理论及其实践的蓬勃发展与国际苏珊·桑塔格研究之间的联系。卡尔·罗利森教授的这一提醒,与笔者多年前站在苏珊·桑塔格与美国摄影家安妮·莱博维茨图像艺术对话的视觉艺术批评立场的学术敏感不谋而合。卡尔·罗利森教授提到的新兴的“生命写作”,应用领域是“进程中的传记写作”。他认为“生命写作”顺应了“自传真实性”的传记潮流,与新兴的“非虚构叙事”有文学体裁学的重叠。文学 理念上,“生命写作”重视的是“在书写生命经历的历程中构建作者的身份”。笔者观察到,卡尔·罗利森教授亲身经历的“生命叙事”传记文学潮流,呼应了国际后经典叙事学“生命叙事”转向的理论变化。苏珊·桑塔格的创作生涯不仅仅为诠释“生命写作”提供了最佳范例,她围绕爱情/色情的哲学/身体意识演变的写作历程把生命写作提升至更具理想主义的色彩,她的爱情/色情生命写作范式的独特性值得我们做进一步的研究。
  • Professor Carl Rollyson of Journalism at Baruch College of City University of New York is well known by Chinese scholars of foreign literatures for his unremitting research on American writer Susan Sontag. Professor Carl Rollyson recommended his ac-ademic website to the author of this essay and provided two important information: Pay attention to the visual art turn of interna-tional Susan Sontag research and pay attention to the relationship between the vigorous development of the theories and practices of “life writing” and the international studies of Susan Sontag. This reminder of Professor Carl Rollyson coincides with the academic sensitivity of the author who stood in the dialogue between Susan Sontag and American photographer Anne Leibowitz many years ago. The application of aburgeoning “life writing” mentioned by Professor Carl Rollyson is so called “biographical writing in pro-gress”. He believes that “life writing” conforms to the biographical trend of “autobiographical authenticity” and overlaps with the bur-geoning “non fictional narrative” in literary genre. In literary con-cept, “life writing” attaches importance to “constructing the identi-ty of the author in the process of writing life experiences”. The au-thor observes that the trend of biographical literature of “life narra-tive” personally experienced by Professor Carl Rollyson echoes the theoretical change of “life narrative” turn of international post clas-sical narratology. Susan Sontag’s creative career not only provides the best example for the interpretation of “life writing”, but also promotes life writing to a more idealistic color around the evolu-tion of philosophy / body consciousness of love / pornography. The uniqueness of her love / pornography life writing paradigm de-serves further study.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/pss.0205022
  • 引用: 张艺.爱情/ 色情生命写作:国际苏珊·桑塔格研究最新理论及其创作搬演[J].社会科学进展,2020,2(5):211-243.
