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Petroleum Engineering Research

ISSN Print:2707-2606
ISSN Online:2707-2614


Technical Analysis on Improving Oil Recovery in Tight Reservoirs in North America

石油工程 / 2019,1(2):39-53 / 2019-12-03 look4870 look7998
  • 作者: 刘新     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 致密油;北美致密油藏;改善原油采收率技术(IOR);注水;注气;化学驱
  • tight oil; enhanced oil recovery technology; water injection; gas injection; chemical flooding.
  • 摘要: 致密油是世界未来油气开发的重要目标,已成为北美重要石油资源。水平井分段压裂技术为主的致密油气储层改造配套技术研发和应用,推动了致密油产量快速增长,但最终采收率低于10%。为有效开发致密油的巨大资源,北美地区(美国和加拿大)在致密油产区先后研究了注水、化学驱、注气等改善原油采收率技术。综述了近十年致密油IOR技术室内研究和现场试验,介绍主要技术驱油机理和适用条件,推荐了致密油应用标准,为世界致密油开发提供可一定参考和借鉴。
  • Tight oil is an important target for future oil and gas development in the world and has become an important petroleum resource in North America. The research and application of tight oil and gas reservoir reconstruction technology based on horizontal well stage fracturing technology has promoted the rapid growth of tight oil production at home and abroad, but the ultimate recovery is less than 10%. In order to effectively develop huge tight oil resources, North America (mainly United States and Canada) has studied oil recovery, chemical flooding, gas injection and other technologies to improve oil recovery in tight oil producing areas. The article provides the main research results of the application of IOR technology in tight oil reservoirs for more than 10 years. Firstly, it introduces the typical production characteristics of tight reservoirs, analyzes the factors affecting the productivity, and secondly summarizes the common reservoir characteristics and fluid properties of tight oil reservoirs in North America.Then reviewed the domestic and international indoor simulation studies and field test results of water injection, chemical flooding, gas injection, carbon dioxide flooding and other technologies, as well as the oil displacement mechanism and applicable conditions of various technologies, and obtained the future research of tight oil development. That is , the trends and developments focus on expanding the contact area between oil wells and target layers, increasing the relative permeability of crude oil, reducing the viscosity of crude oil and changing the wettability. CO2 flooding, gas flooding, surface active flooding and (low brine) water and gas alternate injection are the main applicable technology for tight reservoirs . The above research provides some ideas and references for the research and experiment of tight oil in China.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/per.0102006
  • 引用: 刘新.改善原油采收率技术(IOR)在北美致密油藏的研究及应用[J].石油工程,2019,1(2):39-53.
