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Leisure Sports and Health

ISSN Print:2710-0154
ISSN Online:2710-0162


Research on the Difficulties and Strategies of Industrial Development of Ethnic and Folk Sports in Dabie Mountains

休闲运动与健康 / 2024,4(3):26-29 / 2024-12-27 look41 look41
  • 作者: 袁建军¹      吴南勇²     
  • 单位:
    1. 黄冈师范学院,黄冈;
    2. 黄冈科技职业学院,黄冈
  • 关键词: 民族民间体育;产业化;策略
  • Ethnic and folk sports; Industrialization; Strategies
  • 摘要: 本文在对大别山民族民间体育产业化发展现状进行实地调研的基础上,通过查阅文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈、数理统计与逻辑分析等方法,从经济学、社会学、体育学等多学科、多角度,对大别山民族民间体育与旅游、教育、健身、互联网等多方面的融合发展状况进行了深层次剖析。调查发现,大别山地区民族民间体育产业化发展存在以下问题:(1)产业化发展以体育赛事+旅游、体育+红色文化+旅游等形式为主,与其他行业的融合程度较浅;(2)体育赛事与民间体育活动偏于常规化,品牌特色不突出;(3)缺乏政府的统一管控,区域协调不畅,合力不足。针对上述问题,结合大别山的地域优势、文化特色、体育资源等多方面因素展开分析,从宏观与微观层面提出适应大别山地区民族民间体育产业化高质量发展的策略。宏观层面:(1)明确以“十四五”体育发展规划为导向;(2)成立以政府为主导的独立管控组织。微观层面:(1)打造品牌赛事,促进体育赛事与旅游的深度融合;(2)加强体育文化挖掘工作,创建精品工程;(3)深化民族民间体育产业的多维度融合;(4)扩大体育产品和服务供给,深挖体育消费潜力。
  • This paper, based on the current situation of the industrialization of ethnic and folk sports in Dabie Mountain, conducted in-depth analysis of the integration and development of ethnic and folk sports with tourism, education, fitness, and the internet from multiple perspectives such as economics, sociology, sports science. The survey found that the industrialization of ethnic and folk sports in the Dabie Mountain area faces the following difficulties: (1) The industrial mainly relies on sports events tourism and sports red culture tourism, with poor integration with other industries; (2) Sports events and folk sports activities are and lack distinctive characteristics; (3) There is a lack of unified government control, leading to poor regional coordination and insufficient synergy. In response to these issues, paper analyzes the regional advantages, cultural characteristics, and sports resources of Dabie Mountain, and proposes strategies for the high-quality development of the industrialization of ethnic and folk sports in the Dabie Mountain area from both macro and micro perspectives. At the macro level: (1) It is clear that the “14 Five-Year” sports development plan is the guiding principle; (2) An independent control organization led by the government should be established. At the micro level: (1) Creating brand events to promote the deep integration of sports events and tourism; (2) Strengthening the exploration of sports culture and creating high-quality projects; (3) Deepening the multi-dimensional integration of the ethnic and folk sports industry; (4) Expanding the supply of sports products and services, and deeply tapping the potential of sports consumption.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/lsh.0403005
  • 引用: 袁建军,吴南勇.大别山民族民间体育产业化发展困境与策略研究[J].休闲运动与健康,2024,4(3):26-29.