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Leisure Sports and Health

ISSN Print:2710-0154
ISSN Online:2710-0162


Analysis of Offensive and Defensive Abilities of CBA Teams in the 2022-2023 Season

休闲运动与健康 / 2024,4(2):165-173 / 2024-10-17 look11 look12
  • 作者: 孔祥儒     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 中国男篮;秩和比法;攻防能力
  • Chinese men’s basketball; Rank sum ratio; Attack and defense ability
  • 摘要: 本文运用文献资料法、秩和比综合评价法(RSR)、录像观察法等对2022—2023赛季CBA各球队的攻防能力进行评价和分析,旨在为各球队提升竞赛能力提供参考。研究结果显示:(1)辽宁队的攻防能力在常规赛和季后赛均达到A级水平,与冠军实力相符,北京队在季后赛的攻防能力达到了A级,浙江队表现不稳定,常规赛达到B级,季后赛降到D级水平,广东、广厦、广州、深圳、上海和新疆六支球队的攻防能力达到B级水平,其余球队攻防能力处于C、D级,或在常规赛和季后赛的攻防表现差异较大。其中,辽宁队在攻防两端都有非常出色的表现,深圳队没能继续保持常规赛的进攻势头,在季后赛表现不佳。(2)在进攻方面,辽宁队、广东队、广厦队和广州队发挥稳定且愈战愈勇,在常规赛和季后赛均表现优异。相反,浙江队、山西队、山东队在常规赛进攻能力达到B级水平,但随着季后赛强度加大而表现下滑。整个赛季没有球队的进攻能力达到A级水平,进攻综合能力最强的是南京队。(3)在防守方面,仅有辽宁队达到A级水平,有六支球队达到B级水平,大部分球队防守能力一般。相关性分析显示,各球队的进攻、防守和综合能力均与球队成绩呈正相关。建议各球队针对攻防能力进行针对性练习,重视攻防均衡培养以及高强度对抗练习,以提高攻防稳定性。
  • The methods of literature, RSR and video observation were used to evaluate and analyze the offensive and defensive ability of CBA teams in the 2022-2023 season, so as to provide reference for each team to improve its competition ability. The results show: (1) The attack and defense ability of Liaoning team reached the level of A in the regular season and playoffs, which is consistent with the strength of the championship; the attack and defense ability of Beijing team reached the level of A in the playoffs; the performance of Zhejiang team was unstable; the attack and defense ability of Zhejiang team reached the level of D in the regular season; the attack and defense ability of Guangdong, Guangsha, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Xinjiang team reached the level of B. The rest of the team’s offensive and defensive capabilities in C, D or regular season and playoff offensive and defensive performance difference is large, of which Liaoning team has a very good performance at both ends of the offensive and defensive, Shenzhen team failed to continue to maintain the offensive momentum of the regular season, poor performance in the playoffs. (2) In terms of attack, Liaoning Team, Guangdong team, Guangsha team and Guangzhou team played a steady and brave, and performed well in the regular season and playoffs. On the contrary, Zhejiang, Shanxi, Shandong team in the regular season offensive ability to reach the B level, but with the intensity of the playoffs and performance decline, the entire season no team’s offensive ability to reach the A level, the strongest offensive comprehensive ability of Nanjing team. (3) In terms of defense, only Liaoning team reached the A level, there are six teams reached the B level, and most of the teams have average defensive ability. The correlation analysis shows that the offensive, defensive and comprehensive abilities of each team are positively correlated with the team results. It is suggested that each team should carry out targeted practice on attack and defense ability, pay attention to the balanced cultivation of attack and defense and the high-intensity confrontation practice to improve the stability of attack and defense.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/lsh.0402028
  • 引用: 孔祥儒.2022—2023赛季CBA联赛各球队攻防能力对比分析[J].休闲运动与健康,2024,4(2):165-173.