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Leisure Sports and Health

ISSN Print:2710-0154
ISSN Online:2710-0162


A Study on the Influence of Subjective Norms on E-sports Participation —Moderating Effects based on College Students’ Sense of Belonging in Dormitories

休闲运动与健康 / 2024,4(1):147-152 / 2024-05-23 look312 look308
  • 作者: 廖强     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 电子竞技;主观规范;宿舍归属感;电竞行为
  • E-sports; Subjective norms; Dormitory sense of belonging; E-sports behavior
  • 摘要: 本文通过查阅相关文献,以锻炼心理学领域的计划行为理论为支撑,将电竞行为作为因变量,加入宿舍归属感作为调节变量,构建了对电竞行为的影响模型。以武汉市某高校部分在读大学生作为调查对象,采用线下问卷的形式进行调查,包括《电竞行为量表》《宿舍归属感量表》《电竞意愿量表》,共计发放问卷400份,最终回收350份,回收率为87.5%。运用方差分析、回归分析、使用Process实现了调节效率检验等统计分析方法对研究假设进行验证,得出如下结论:(1)在本研究中,宿舍内进行电竞参与的人数最多;多数参与者拥有1~3年及5年以上的电竞年限,每周电竞频率在5次以上,每次电竞时长在1小时或1~3小时;电竞陪伴,同宿舍的参与最多;王者荣耀和英雄联盟这两款MOBA类电子竞技游戏参与的人数最多。(2)高校大学生的宿舍归属感正向影响电竞行为,主观规范对宿舍归属感也有显著正向影响。(3)调节作用分析结果显示,宿舍归属感在主观规范与电竞行为之间存在正向调节作用。(4)大学生宿舍的主观规范通过宿舍归属感的调节效应影响电竞行为。
  • This paper constructs a model of influence on e-sports behavior by reviewing relevant literature andtaking the theory of planned behavior in the field of exercise psychology as a support, taking e-sports behavioras a dependent variable and adding dormitory sense of belonging as a moderating variable. Taking some currentcollege students of a university in Wuhan City as the survey object, the survey was conducted in the form of offlinequestionnaires, including the E-Gaming Behavior Scale, the Dormitory Sense of Belonging Scale, and the E-GamingWillingness Scale, with a total of 400 questionnaires distributed, and 350 questionnaires were finally recovered, witha recovery rate of 87.5%. Statistical analysis methods such as analysis of variance, regression analysis, and usingProcess to realize the test of regulation efficiency were used to verify the research hypotheses, and the followingconclusions were drawn: (1) In this study, the number of people who engage in e-sports participation in the dormitoryis the largest; most participants have 1 to 3 years and more than 5 years of e-sports experience, the frequency of e-sportsis more than 5 times per week, and the duration of each e-sports is 1 hour or 1 to 3 hours; e-sports companionship, themost participation in the same dormitory; the two MOBA e-sports games, Honor of Kings and League of Legends, had the most participants. (2) College students’ dormitory sense of belonging positively affects e-sports behaviors, andsubjective norms also have a significant positive effect on dormitory sense of belonging. (3) The results of moderatingeffect analysis show that dormitory sense of belonging has a positive moderating effect between subjective normsand e-sports behaviors. (4) College students’ dormitory s subjective norms influence e-sports behavior through themoderating effect of dormitory sense of belonging.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/lsh.0401026
  • 引用: 廖强.主观规范对电子竞技参与的影响研究——大学生宿舍归属感的调节效应[J].休闲运动与健康,2024,4(1):147-152.