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Leisure Sports and Health

ISSN Print:2710-0154
ISSN Online:2710-0162


Analysis and Research on Physical Health Status of Middle School Students in Wuhan

休闲运动与健康 / 2022,2(2):21-28 / 2022-07-12 look412 look368
  • 作者: 伊超凡¹      常凤²     
  • 单位:
    1. 湖北大学 体育学院,湖北 武汉 430062;
    2. 哈尔滨体育学院 运动人体科学学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150008
  • 关键词: 武汉市;初中生;体质健康;身体素质
  • Wuhan; Junior high school students; Physical health; Physical fitness
  • 摘要: 目的:了解并比较武汉市初中三年级的体质健康情况,发现存在的问题,提出促进策略。方法:通过整群抽样法抽取武汉市26618名初中生进行测试,使用SPSS26.0分析并进行数据统计处理。结果:(1)武汉市初中生体质健康总及格率为 71.01%,不及格率为 28.99%。(2)初中三个年级的超重率分别为 15.85%、14.33%、14.33%,肥胖率分别为13.03%、14.81%、14.79%。(3)三个年级肺活量分别为:2371.40ml、2669.54ml、 2931.56ml。(4)三个年级坐位体前屈分别为 9.36cm、11.08cm、12.73cm;50m分 别为 8.97s、8.64s、8.35 s;男生引体向上分别为 2.77、4.14、5.56,女生仰卧起坐分别为 27.59、28.24、29.45;男生1000m分别为 355.5s、323.2s、298.7s,女生800m分别为309.3s、291.6s、275.7s;立定跳远分别为149.94cm、160.01cm、167.01cm。 结论:武汉市初中生身体形态、身体机能情况较差,身体素质中速度素质情况良好, 柔韧素质和爆发力情况一般,耐力素质和力量素质情况最差。
  • Objective: To understand and compare the physical health of the third grade of junior middle school in Wuhan, find out the existing problems, and put forward the promotion strategies. Methods: 26618 junior high school students in Wuhan were selected by cluster sampling and tested by SPSS26.0. Results: (1) The total pass rate of physical health of junior high school students in Wuhan was 71.01%, and the failure rate was 28.99%. (2) The overweight rates of the three grades of junior high school were 15.85%, 14.33% and 14.33% respectively, and the obesity rates were 13.03%, 14.81% and 14.79%, respectively. (3) The vital capacity of the three grades were 2371.40 ml, 2669.54 ml and 2931.56 ml. (4) The forward flexion of 9.36 cm, 11.08 cm and 12.73 cm in the three grades were 8.97 s, 8.64 s and 8.35 s, 2.77, 4.14, 5.56 for boys, 27.59, 28.24, 29.45 for girls, 355.5 s, 323.2 s and 298.7 s for 1000 m boys and 309.3 s, 291.6 s and 275.7 s for girls 800 m, respectively. Standing long jump is 149.94 cm, 160.01 cm and 167.01 cm respectively. Conclusion: the physical shape and function of the junior high school students in Wuhan are poor, the speed quality is good, the flexibility quality and explosive power are general, and the endurance quality and strength quality are the worst.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/lsh.0202004
  • 引用: 伊超凡,常凤.武汉市中学生体质健康状况分析研究[J].休闲运动与健康,2022,2(2):21-28.