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Leisure Sports and Health

ISSN Print:2710-0154
ISSN Online:2710-0162

基于Citespace 知识图谱的中国信息化时代体育教学动态演进研究

Research on the Dynamic Evolution of Physical Education Teaching in China’s Information Age Based on Citespace Knowledge Graph

休闲运动与健康 / 2021,1(4):89-94 / 2021-12-27 look567 look445
  • 作者: 晏云飞¹      周璐²     
  • 单位:
    湖北大学 体育学院,湖北 武汉 430062
  • 关键词: 信息化;体育教学;动态演进;知识图谱
  • Informatization; Physical education; Dynamic evolution; Knowledge Graph
  • 摘要: 采用知识图谱和文献计量的方法,梳理了1986—2021 年中国知网(CNKI)收录的信息化时代体育教学的文献为研究对象,从而对我国信息化时代体育教学发展现状进行分析。结果显示:信息化时代体育教学发文量总体呈上升趋势,其中2019 年的产文数 量出现激增;该领域高产作者群体尚未形成,主要作者是以刘芳芳、唐炼等为代表;机构之间合作关系比较分散,形成了湖南工程大学、九江学院体育学院等研究机构;研究热点集中在信息化、体育教学、信息化教学、高校体育等方面;研究前沿是围绕着改革、信息化平台和教学策略等方向进行探讨。建议:未来构建合作网络平台, 形成跨地域、跨学科的合作;关注高等院校信息化体育教学发展的同时,要注重小、初、高中学段的信息化体育教学的研究;加强理论与实践相结合, 搭建起完整的信息化体育教学研究架构。
  • Using the methods of knowledge graph and literature measurement, the literature of physical education in the information age collected by CNKI from 1986 to 2021 is sorted out as the research object, so as to analyze the development status of physical education in my country in the information age. The results show that the amount of publications on physical education teaching in the information age is generally on the rise. Among them, the number of publications in 2019 has increased sharply; the group of highly productive authors in this field has not yet formed, and the main authors are represented by Liu Fangfang, Tang Lian, etc.; cooperation between institutions The relationship is relatively scattered, and research institutions such as Hunan University of Technology and the School of Physical Education of Jiujiang University have been formed; research hotspots are concentrated in informationization, physical education, information teaching, college sports, etc.; the research front is centered on reforms, informatization platforms and teaching strategies And other directions to discuss. Recommendations: In the future, build a cooperative network platform to form cross-regional and interdisciplinary cooperation; while paying attention to the development of informatized physical education in colleges and universities, we should also pay attention to the research of informatized physical education in primary, junior, and senior middle schools; strengthen theory and practice Combine them to build a complete information-based physical education reseoarch framework.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/lsh.0104016
  • 引用: