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Leisure Sports and Health

ISSN Print:2710-0154
ISSN Online:2710-0162


A Systematic Review of the Effects of Sports Intervention on the Physical and Mental Health of Left Behind Children

休闲运动与健康 / 2021,1(4):110-114 / 2021-12-27 look710 look565
  • 作者: 郑宇萌      何施      叶茜      向庆龄      黄志剑     
  • 单位:
    湖北大学 体育学院,湖北 武汉 430062
  • 关键词: 体育干预;留守儿童;身心健康
  • Sports intervention; Left behind children; Physical and mental health
  • 摘要: 目的:对体育干预留守儿童身心健康有关的现有实证研究进行系统整合与综述。方法:通过文献检索与筛查,纳入9 篇符合条件的文献,对这些研究从不同方面进行系统分析。结果:现有实证研究的数据表明,研究地域分布与民政部公布的数据有多处吻合;实 验设计逐渐完善;因变量逐渐细化;测量方法变得更契合研究;组合方案是大部分体育干预的首选方案;根据不同运动项目特征及权威组织或机构提出的青少年活动建议,设计不同运动干预方案;从体质健康维度分析发现,体育干预不仅能够显著提高留守儿童身体素质水平,而且可以改善留守儿童身体形态,还能够明显改善留守儿童身体机能。从心理健康维度分析可知,体育干预对留守儿童依恋指数得分、心理弹性、生活满意度、社会适应能力、执行功能、焦虑以及自尊等心理健康因子水平都有积极影响。结论:体育干预对留守儿童这一特殊群体的身心健康存在积极影响,但不同体育项目干预对留守儿童身心健康产生的影响是否产生差异目前尚不明确。
  • Objective: to systematically integrate and summarize the existing empirical research on sports intervention in the physical and mental health of left behind children. Methods: through literature search and screening, 9 eligible literatures were included, and these studies were systematically analyzed from different aspects. Results: the existing empirical data show that the geographical distribution of the study is consistent with the data published by the Ministry of civil affairs; The experimental design is gradually improved; The dependent variable is gradually refined; Measurement methods become more suitable for research; Combination program is the first choice for most sports interventions; Design different sports intervention programs according to the characteristics of different sports and the suggestions of youth activities put forward by authoritative organizations or institutions; From the perspective of physical health, it is found that sports intervention can not only significantly improve the physical quality level of left behind children, but also improve the body shape and physical function of left behind children. From the perspective of mental health, sports intervention has a positive impact on the level of mental health factors such as attachment index score, psychological elasticity, life satisfaction, social adaptability, executive function, anxiety and self-esteem of left behind children. Conclusion: sports intervention has a positive impact on the physical and mental health of left behind children, but it is not clear whether the impact of different sports intervention on the physical and mental health of left behind children is different.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/lsh.0104020
  • 引用: