This article aims to give a cognitive linguistic account of providing dynamic construals for classroom activities within the context of second language teaching. After a brief discussion of possible conceptual issues involved in construal operations and image schemas in conversational type activities in teaching Present Continuous Tense, it will be argued that a suitable cognitive linguistic framework is needed to model the various complex dimensions of teaching grammar, providing the solid foundation for the productive activities. Following a short introduction to various parts of construal operations and the nature of schemas in cognitive linguistics, five types of conversation activities (interview, discussion, narratives, arguments or debates and role play) will be positioned within two influential models of cognitive linguistics, i.e., “linguistic construal operations” developed within various constructions of “image schemas.” Then, a link will be established between the concept of linguistic construals and different types of image schema, which provides a toolset for modeling the implicit knowledge structures underlying specific usage events in communication. For the assessment of the suitability of the proposed framework, the article concludes with a discussion on good lesson plan criteria from cognitive point of view which can provide a measure learning value in language activity.